From Pine View Farm

The Art of the Con(sequences) 0

Chuck Jones, head of the United Steel Workers Local 1999 at the Carrier plant where Trump famously (fatuously?) promised to stem the outsourcing of American jobs, realizes that he and many of his fellows were among the jobbed. A snippet:

This summer, I traveled across the Midwest, from Indianapolis to Kalamazoo to Racine, to talk with hundreds of manufacturing workers who lost their jobs to foreign countries. Many of them (some wearing “Make America Great Again” hats) agreed that Trump hasn’t lived up to his end of the deal.

“I don’t think he’s really going to come through, even though I hoped he would,” one laid-off worker told me.

“He pulled a bait-and-switch on us,” another said.

The irony is that anyone who knew anything–I don’t mean research, I mean a casual acquaintance with healines–about Trump’s record in business saw through the con from the beginning.


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