From Pine View Farm

Wingnuttery category archive

Cruzing to Godwin’s Law 0

Words fail me.*

Honest to Pete, these people are nuts.

If this keeps up, Sandisk will rename their Cruzer.

Full Disclosure:

I have two Sandisk Cruzers. I might just fire up Parted and change the label to something else. “Sandisk Too Stupid for Words” comes to mind.


*I try to use profanity sparingly in these electrons, but, really, now, it’s becoming a challenge.


Alex Jones: “He’s a Kook, but He’s Our Kook” 0

The TWiB gang critiques Alex Jones’s appearance on the BBC.

Wait for the meltdown.


Ricin Beans, a Selection from the Wingnut Cookery Book 0

Take one gallon stupid.

Stir in one pound ground castor beans.

Place in envelope and garnish with postage stamp.

Serves 10 (years in the Big House).


The Secesh 0

North Colorado? Really?


Ricin Beans (Updatedx2) 2

Ricin kooks are back to mailing ground castor beans to persons that don’t like.

The people are nuts–dangerous nuts.

Let George Smith explain.




George Smith provides historical background.


Susie Sampson Reports on Delaware’s Fall to the Gays 0


Carolina Cropped 1


Sequestrian Dressage, Some There, There Dept. 0

Air travelers throughout the country were hit with cancellations and tarmac delays as long as four hours Monday, as the nation’s largest airports grappled with the onset of furloughs for Federal Aviation Administration air-traffic controllers.

“Industry-wide, the FAA plan could delay one out of every three people who fly, and the delays could be significant,” United Airlines says.

Some have wondered why the one sequestrian dressage dance step that upset Republican Congresspersons was the closure of certain air traffic control centers.

It’s because of a central myth of wingnuttery: the belief that the evul Fedrul guvmint doesn’t do anything useful.

Indeed, this may be a core belief of the nihilists on the right. In their view, government is not of the people, by the people, for the people, but is some kind of inherently evil other.

In reality, most of what most governments do is useful, stuff such as providing roads, hospitals, schools, garbage collection, scientific research, citizen protection, and many other things (with the possible exception of blowing up peasants all over the world because they look hinky to a gamer droning on in Nevada, yes, all over the world, tonight, all over the world you can hear the sounds of boom!).

Being reminded that the evul Fedrul guvmint does useful stuff strikes at the core of their nihilism, so they want the evidence to just




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Ricin Beans, Reprise 0

George Smith has more to say about the fringe’s fascination with ricin and dealing death-by-mail.

A self-defeating and nihilistic interest exists in ricin poison in this country, as if every red-blooded, disappointed and frustrated American kook has a defiant right to possess a recipe on their hard disk and a packet of castor seeds nearby, perhaps next to an unregistered handgun equipped with a silencer made out of a vegetable. In the last twelve years this has ensured a constant trickle of criminal apprehensions and prosecutions, a process the government has handled efficiently, depositing ricin crackpots where they belong. Everyone found with castor seeds and a ricin recipe gets a long prison stay. There have never been any exceptions, even with those in the group who have never gotten to the part where the seeds are actually turned to powder.


Promises To Keep 0



Wingnuts Take the Plunge (into Chavez Ravine) 0

Nothing and no one tick off contemporary conservatives more than someone who cares about working people, the exploited, or other victims of society, and does something about it.

Apparently, the wingnut-o-sphere is irate that Google chose to honor Cesar Chavez.

Google "Cesar Chavez" Google Doodle

Via Balloon Juice.


As PR Campaigns Go . . . 0

. . . this one seems, thank heavens, to have failed.

But those campaigners are still in there pitching.

Don’t kid yourself that they are not still with us and still trying.


Nutshell 0

In a much longer article about a failed effort to implement a voluntary gun buyback in Hillsborugh County, Florida, Sue Carlton sums up the essence of rightwingnuttery (emphasis added).

But activist Terry Kemple from his God Told Me To Tell You What To Do Society was there . . . .


Paint Your Wagon 0

Stay classy, Texas.

For the second time in the past several months, vandals struck the Obama mural on a building on the southern edge of Midtown (Houston–ed.) that served as local Democratic Party headquarters during the presidential campaign.

Splashes of black and red paint mar the 10-foot image of the 44th president in the 3700 block of Travis near West Alabama. The mural had been restored in October after vandals had defaced it with splashes of paint. That previous vandalism was also discovered on a Monday.


Facebook Frolics 0

Wingnut Board of Education Dept.


The Galt and the Lamers 3

Steven M. thinks that the lamers have won.


Fortress Idaho 2

And here I thought the Citadel was a college in South Carolina.


It’s Awards Season 0

And the Commander Guy is handing out the Golden Wingnut Awards.


Gunnuttery in the Third Degree 0

Shorter Megan McArdle: Suffer the children.

These people are seriously sick.


Memento Mori 0

I remember the first funeral I attended.

I was in the tenth grade; one of my classmates, a good friend, had been out driving his new (to him) car. He had run off the road at a bad curve, known locally as “Dead Man’s Curve,” and died from his injuries before he was discovered hours later.

At his funeral, while standing outside the funeral home (the same one where my brother and I made the arrangements for my mother), I heard one grown-up saying to another, “He was just like all the rest of these kids . . . .”

They did not notice that one of the rest of those kids was standing right next to them.

They were heartless, self-centered jerks, bigoted and wrong, sanctimonious and rude, all at the same time.

Same like Mike Huckabee.
