“That Conversation about Race” category archive
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
PoliticalProf finds himself somewhat taken aback.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
It seems clear that Richard Nixon’s “southern strategy” has come full circle and that today’s Republican Party has devolved into the party of the Secesh.
Deportation Nation 0
Sen. Dan Foreman, R-Viola, reportedly responded to Carter-Goodheart, “I’m so sick and tired of this liberal bull (expletive). Why don’t you go back to where you came from?”
Per the news report, Trish Carter-Goodheart is of Native American descent. Her ancestors were here a millennium before Foreman’s.
The stupid. It burns, and the hate, well, it metastasizes.
The Undecided 0
In a longer article in which he wonders why Kamala Harris does not have a wider lead in the polls, Robert Reich asks a question which I find well-warranted.
Follow the link for context.
A Notion of Immigrants 0
At the Hartford Courant, Robert Helfand argues forcefully that the coverage of J. D. Vance’s and Donald Trump’s lies about Haitian immigrants is missing the point. Here’s how he opens his article (emphasis added); follow the link to read the rest.
The Parody Party 0
Cliif Schecter argues that the Republicans no longer have a party.
They have a parody.
Via C&L, which has commentary.
“One Ring To Bind Them All . . . .” 0
Calvin McNeill, in a letter to the editor of the Las Vegas Sun, offers a theory as to the common denominator of Trumpism.
Methinks he’s onto something.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
PoliticalProf decodes de code.
Republican Thought Police 0
Nedra Rhone offers a theory as to what motivates the Republican Thought Police:
Follow the link for her reasoning.
A Notion of Immigrants 0
The Des Moines Register’s Rekha Basu highlights the hypocrisy of Donald Trump’s fear mongering about those from foreign shores. Here’s a tiny bit:
Follow the link for a link to the Esquire story and more Trumpian hypocrisy (of which there seems an unending supply).