From Pine View Farm

“That Conversation about Race” category archive

Decoding De Code 0

Black woman standing in front of a television, where Fox News is interviewing Rep. Bubba Dogwhistle.  Congressman is saying,

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“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Echoes”* 0

TYT Sports hears many echoes.

I’m a Southern boy. I grew up under Jim Crow. I know racism when I see it.

Today’s Republican Party is the party of racism.

Racism is all they got.


*Mark Twain.


A Tune for the Times 0

Mangy comments at the Youtube page:

Tennessee Representative, Tim Burchett, recently said the Kamala Harris had been the “DEI choice for Biden” when he ran for president, meaning that Kamala was only picked, as part of “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,” meaning that she was picked for her ‘color,’ not qualifications. The highly-unqualified Burchett, (who was picked for his color, along with so many of his Republican colleagues) ironically never thought to credit the previous Republican DEI selection criteria (selecting only those white guys who were Dumb, Egotistical and Insecure) for his current position in the House of Representatives.


The Strategist 0

MAGA-hatted Republican Elephant going through a folder labeled

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The “Wallace Conundrum” 0

At, Kyle Whitmire tries to figure out the core beliefs of major figures in today’s Republican Party and concludes that there’s no there there. Methinks he may be onto something.

A snippet:

There are people we all know . . . who care less about the right answer and more for the right answer right now. They will change their beliefs, their clothes, their haircuts — whatever it takes — to suit the situation, to please whoever’s approval they crave.

They’re the political Shape Shifters.

Such changes shouldn’t be confused with changing one’s mind. Healthy minds evolve to incorporate new information, evidence or experience. In contrast, Shape Shifters change to fit new attitudes or new audiences — for approval.

Follow the link to find out why he dubs this the “Wallace conundrum.”


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet more courtesy on concrete, with an topping of America’s original sin.

Musical NotesGuns and stupid, guns and stupid.
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other.


Karen Karen-Like 0

A movie experience.


Unity, GOP Style 0

GOP Elephant and MAGA-hatted man in a pick-up labeled

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The Enemy Below 0

Title:  JAWS, 50th Anniversary.  Image:  Uncle Sam swimming in the sea as a great white shark labeled

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Fly the Fiendly Skies 0

They get fiendlier every day.


The Privatization Scam 0

Arizona’s state budget is in big trouble because of the privatization scam. That’s something you can voucher on.

Here’s a bit of the report from ProPublica:

Advocates for Arizona’s universal voucher initiative had originally said that it wouldn’t cost the public — and might even save taxpayers money. The Goldwater Institute, a conservative think tank that helped craft the state’s 2022 voucher bill, claimed in its promotional materials at the time that the vouchers would “save taxpayers thousands per student, millions statewide.” Families that received the new cash, the institute said, would be educating their kids “for less than it would cost taxpayers if they were in the public school system.”

But as it turns out, the parents most likely to apply for these vouchers are the ones who were already sending their kids to private school or homeschooling. They use the dollars to subsidize what they were already paying for.

Much more at the link.


The Republican Contract on America 0

Rebecca Watson takes a look at the “Heritage” Foundation’s Project 2025 (warning: mild language):

Or you can read the transcript.


Myth Buster 0

In the course of a longer article how, in evaluating candidates for office, we need to look at the big picture when evaluating candidates for office, the Portland Press-Herald’s Victoria Hugo-Vidal makes a trenchant observation (emphasis added):

It’s a common misconception that Republicans want a smaller government. The party does not. Republicans may want smaller government for themselves and their various rich donors, but they want a bigger government to use as a hammer against Americans who aren’t living the way they want them to.

Follow the link for context.


More Mean for the Sake of Mean 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Charles Hebert looks at the recent decision by the Supreme Supremacist Court allowing jurisdictions to criminalize homelessness; he sees no good coming from it.

He makes four main points. Follow the link for a detailed exploration of each one.

  • The Supreme Court decision on homelessness has downstream detrimental effects on vulnerable individuals.
  • Persons experiencing homelessness often suffer with mental illness.
  • The involuntary displacement of unsheltered individuals with substance use disorders increases overdose risk.
  • The Covid-19 pandemic has magnified the number of those experiencing homelessness.


Denial Is Not Just a River in Egypt 0

It’s also a long-standing tactic of apologists for the Secesh. Here’s a recent example:

The Wall Street Journal recently published an article claiming that accounts of the Clotilda, the last slave ship to attempt to smuggle Africans into bondage in the American South, was somehow a hoax.

At, historian Meg McCrummen Fowler methodically deconstructs the deception.


Stray Thought, Still Rising Again after All These Years Dept. 0

I think I’ve finally figured out just what heritage the “Heritage” Foundation is determined to preserve.


What’s in a Name? 0

Apparently, in this case, getting a job interview.


Patriot Gamers 0

Frame One, captioned

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“When People Show You Who They Are, Believe Them the First Time,”* Reprise 0

A woman and a black man stocks.  Woman says,

Via Job’s Anger.


*Maya Angelou.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

Robert Reich points out that immigrants have long been “America’s secret sauce for economic growth and prosperity,” while they long have also been targets for those who sow hate.

Or you can read the transcript.
