From Pine View Farm

Republican Lies category archive

“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Echoes”* 0

TYT Sports hears many echoes.

I’m a Southern boy. I grew up under Jim Crow. I know racism when I see it.

Today’s Republican Party is the party of racism.

Racism is all they got.


*Mark Twain.


But It’s the Only Possible Explanation 0

At the Denver Post, Krista Kafer argues persuasively that wingnut conspiracy theorists have hit Bottoms.


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

Dick Polman notes that Republican attempts to smear Kamala Harris are already well under way.


Vice Presidential Powers 0



Coup de Nah 0

A Harvard professor points out that one thing is not like the other thing.


The Track Record 0

At the Las Vegas Sun, Tom Harper points out:

Being a congenital liar, the mere fact that Trump claims to know nothing about Project 2025 undoubtedly suggests otherwise.

Yeah, I know he misplaced a modifier, but methinks he has a point. Follow the link for context.


How Stuff Works: Tickle On Economics 0

Chart showing growing disparity between the rich and everyone else since the advent of

Via Job’s Anger.


Republican Unreality Theatre 0

Seth discusses the Trumpification of the GOP.


Patriot Gamers 0

David points out that Marjorie Taylor Greene seems–er–somewhat confused about historical facts.

I trained as an historian. History matters. History is how we got to be where we are.

Those who distort history distort (and disdain) truth.


Lies and Lying Liars 0

They just can’t seem to help themselves.


The Know-Nothing 0

Donald Trump holding a bomb labeled

Click to view the original image.


Denial Is Not Just a River in Egypt 0

According the Stephanie Hayes at the Tampa Bay Times, it’s also Florida’s approach to the reality of climate change.


“A Republic, If You Can Keep It” 0

Title:  The Constitutional Convention of 1787:  A historical reenactment from your friends at the Federalist Society.  Ben Franklin:  Gentlemen, given our mutual feelings regarding the King of England--our clear priority is to create a document which places the president entirely above the law.  Jefferson:  Indeed.  There should be no prosecution of an executive for any action he might perform in an official capacity, which, of course, encompasses anything he might do while in office.  Another Founder:  That seems sensible.  But if everything a president does is legal, what's the point of delineating procedures for impeachment?  Fourth Founder:  Just a little harmless ambiguity--so that our descendants may someday infer our true intent for themselves.  Jefferson:  Won't this lead t many decades of misinterpretation by simple-minded folk who mistakenly believe we did not intend for the president to have the absolute powers of monarchy?  Franklin:  Perhaps, but how sweeter the reward when wiser minds at last prevail?  Also, we need to leave some room in there for a future court to restrict bodily autonomy, voting rights, and intrusive regulations on well-intentioned men of commerce.  And gifts from grateful wealthy citizens should totally be legal.  Fourth Founder:  These are strange words you speak, good sir--but I do not doube the wisdom that underlies them.  Third Founder:  Our fledgling nation is great--and if we have done our work well, perhaps someone will someday make America great again.  Epilogue:  And that's the way it was in 1787, and don't let the lying liberal media tell you any different.

Click to view the original image.


Facts vs. Fanaticism 0

Cliff delights in Pete Buttigieg’s use of facts to counter Republicans’ fictions about electric vehicles. (Not, of course, that facts matter the least bit to said Republicans.)


Disinformation Nation 0

In an absolutely wrenching article, Jessica Piper describes how her now late father went down the rabbit hole of Trumpism.

No summary or excerpt will do it justice.

Just go read it.


Crossing the Jordan 0


Juiced 0

Joe Biden is holding a jar labeled

Via Job’s Anger.


Disparate Treatment 0

Frame One:  Joe Biden says,

Click for the original image.


Foxy Shady 0

Seth takes a closer look at how Fox News is laying groundwork its coverage of next week’s debate.


Foxy Shady 0

David dissects the dissimulation (Warning: Short commercial at the end).
