From Pine View Farm

Republican Hypocrisy category archive

Disqualification 0


(Spellink erorr fixed.)


Republican Thought Police 0

Case dismissed.


Old News 0

(Warning: Short commercial at the end.)


This New Gilded Age 0

Farron looks at the “Heritage” Foundation’s Project 2025 plan to raise taxes for the poor, who have litle money, and lower taxes for the rich, who have lots of money.


Memory Blank 0

Frame One:  Donald Trump says,

Political Science professor E. J. Fagan has more.

Image via Job’s Anger.


Craven Images 0

The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini wonders just what kind of God these Republicans worship anyway?


A Tune for the Times 0

Mangy comments on the Youtube page:

Mangy Fetlocks is a proud Wisconsinite, and although he wasn’t REALLY asked to write the official Republican National Convention Song, he learned from Trump that it’s not what you do, but what you SAY you do that matters in our post-truth MAGA America, and Mangy SAYS he wrote the National Convention Song and Mangy has been an official in a children’s soccer game once, so his claim is just as honest as Trump’s pussy-grabbing statements or his “I never took any documents” claims.


The Enemy Below 0

Title:  JAWS, 50th Anniversary.  Image:  Uncle Sam swimming in the sea as a great white shark labeled

Click for the original image.


Republican Unreality Theatre 0

Seth discusses the Trumpification of the GOP.


Secret Servant 0

Apropos of the previous post . . . .

Via Job’s Anger.


Immunity Impunity 0

Get out of Jail free cardJames D. Zirin takes a close look at the Supreme Supremacist Court’s free pass for Donald Trump.

No summary or excerpt will do it justice. Just go read it.


Hoist on Their Own Petard 0

Sam and the crew delight in Mike Johnson’s fleeing the stage and at Senator Ron Johnson’s giving the wrong speech when their teleprompters misbehaved, this after years of Republicans ridiculing Democrats for using–wait for it–teleprompters.


Putting the “Vice” in “Vice President” 0

Thom takes a look at J. D. Vance’s track record. It’s not pretty.

Above the Law has more.


Responsible Fiscals 0

Yeah. Right.

In actuality, it’s the party of deadbeats.


Courting Disaster 0

Joe Patrice dissects the duplicity of Cannon’s law.


Myth Buster 0

In the course of a longer article how, in evaluating candidates for office, we need to look at the big picture when evaluating candidates for office, the Portland Press-Herald’s Victoria Hugo-Vidal makes a trenchant observation (emphasis added):

It’s a common misconception that Republicans want a smaller government. The party does not. Republicans may want smaller government for themselves and their various rich donors, but they want a bigger government to use as a hammer against Americans who aren’t living the way they want them to.

Follow the link for context.


Immunity Impunity 0

Get out of Jail free cardDer Spiegel talks with Harvard law professor Lawrence Tribe about the Supreme Supremacist Court’s recent decision granting Donald Trump “presidential immunity” for “official acts.” Professor Tribe finds the decision to be–er–of questionable legitimacy.

It is a timely and disturbing read. Here’s a tiny bit of it (emphasis in the original):

DER SPIEGEL: Your Harvard colleagues Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, authors of the book “How Democracies Die,” doubt the democratic legitimacy of the Supreme Court. They see it as dominated by the Republican Party, which has won the popular vote only once in the past 30 years but has appointed six of the nine judges to the Supreme Court. Levitsky and Ziblatt speak of a “tyranny of the minority.”

Tribe: My colleagues in the government department are exactly right. It is a dangerous phenomenon. Minorities are entitled to protection in every respect. But no minority should be able to run roughshod over the majority. After all, it is not a minority of the oppressed that has gained such power in our system. It is the minority of those with the greatest wealth and the best connections. And they are now running the show in a way that is very dangerous to our democracy.


If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0

Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) rips into the hypocrisy of Republicans’ attempting to punish AG Merrick Garland for refusing to comply with a subpoena while a many Republicans have ignored subpoenas without penalty or protest from their own party.

Via C&L, which has commentary.


The Courage of His Conniptions 0

Methinks this sets some kind of new record for weasel-wording.


Law for Sale 0
