Political Theatre category archive
A Tune for the Times 0
From the Youtube page:
Way back in 2018 Trump made his once famous, now forgotten comments about “Shithole Countries” which inspired this parody. Based on comments that have accumulated on the original posting since that time, it bears mentioning that those “three guys” are not Norwegian and the video wasn’t shot in Norway. Just more Parody Project visual trickery for your entertainment.
“Sanewashing” 0
PoliticalProf offers an example.
“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0
At the Tampa Bay Times, Daniel Ruth hears a rhyme.
And, while we’re on the subject of voices from the past . . . .
*Mark Twain.
Speaking of “Bankrupt” and “Looted” . . . . 0
Robert Reich discusses what a second Donald Trump presidency means for the economy.
Or you can read the transcript.
Feeling Anxious? 0
If you’re worried about the upcoming election (I know I try not to think of it too much, because I find the prospect of the U. S. turning into yet another bankrupt, looted Trump business to be somewhat disquieting), Robin D. Stone, writing at Psychology Today Blogs, offers some hints for dealing with “election anxiety.”
Courting Disaster 0
At Above the Law, Liz Dye reports that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Supremacist Court seems to have some wounded fee-fees.
The Prediction 0
At the Kansas City Star, Roger C. Barnes and Don C. Smith argue that a Kansas newspaper editor predicted Donald Trump nearly a century ago. A snippet:
Then, in early 1943, White wrote to a friend: “The pretension that a candidate’s utterances are omniscient when everyone (knows) he is talking damned nonsense is one of the large reasons why the American people lose faith in democracy.”
Follow the link to learn why they think those words are coming true.
The Invalid Syllogism 0
Michael in Norfolk is perplexed.
More perplexity at the link.
The Lake Effect 0
The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini opines that, in an attempt to smear her opponent, Kari Lake stumbled into an accidental unintentional compliment.
Deportation Nation 0
Sen. Dan Foreman, R-Viola, reportedly responded to Carter-Goodheart, “I’m so sick and tired of this liberal bull (expletive). Why don’t you go back to where you came from?”
Per the news report, Trish Carter-Goodheart is of Native American descent. Her ancestors were here a millennium before Foreman’s.
The stupid. It burns, and the hate, well, it metastasizes.
Republican Thought Cookie Police
Just when you thought dis coarse discourse couldn’t get any stupider . . . .