November, 2018 archive
License To Kill 0
Field explains how to distinguish a “good guy with a gun” from a bad guy with a gun.
Rules of Derangement, Reprise 0
Dan Simpson, writing at The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, also takes a shot at understanding Donald Trump. A snippet:
Rules of Derangement 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Stanton Peele offers three rules for predicting Donald Trump’s behavior, arguing that they are next to infallible. Here they are; follow the link for an explanation of each one:
- Everything is a victory.
- Any apparent shortfall is due to others.
- Silence anyone who disagrees, or who violates rules 1 and 2.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Be polite while patronizing the big box store:
The man told police that when he tried to reposition his loaded gun and keep it from falling, he shot himself in the groin area.
“Do You, Alexa, Swear To Tell the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth . . . .” 0
From the Internet of Things to the Internet that Sings.
Words Fail Me 0
More stuff you can’t make up in a society that has lost its way.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
The hunt for politeness goes on.
“Responsible gun owner” is an oxymoron.