November, 2019 archive
Geeking Out 0
Listening to The Silver Bullet by Fergus Hume on the QMMP media player using the “Memory of the Fall” skin on Ubuntu MATE with the Plasma desktop. The wallpaper is from my collection.
And Now for a Musical Interlude 0
Les Paul invented both the solid body electric guitar and the process of overlaying tracks in a recording.
Putting the Public Good Up for Sale 0
The Philadelphia Inquirer reports on a controversy in a school district that led to an ouster of a majority of the school board.
Follow the link for details.
“It Would Be a Shame If Something Happened to Your Imports” 0
Paul Krugman explains that it’s not just Ukraine:
And the implicit quid pro quo for such exemptions is that corporations support Donald Trump, or at least refrain from criticizing his actions.
Follow the link for the rest.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Be polite to your friends.
The story goes on to report that this responsible gun owner has been charged.
The Bully’s Pulpit 0
Sue Scheff reports that cyber-bullying is much more common than persons of good will might think and offers some hints for dealing with and avoiding it.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Demonstrate politeness in reacting to a mishap on the nation’s byways.