From Pine View Farm

Politics of Hate category archive

A Tune for the Times 0

Mangy comments at the Youtube page:

Tennessee Representative, Tim Burchett, recently said the Kamala Harris had been the “DEI choice for Biden” when he ran for president, meaning that Kamala was only picked, as part of “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,” meaning that she was picked for her ‘color,’ not qualifications. The highly-unqualified Burchett, (who was picked for his color, along with so many of his Republican colleagues) ironically never thought to credit the previous Republican DEI selection criteria (selecting only those white guys who were Dumb, Egotistical and Insecure) for his current position in the House of Representatives.


The Strategist 0

MAGA-hatted Republican Elephant going through a folder labeled

Click to view the original image.


This New Gilded Age 0

David remarks on Kamala Harris’s attack on the “Heritage” Foundation’s Project 2025. (Warning: Short commercial at the end.)


Twits Own Twitter X Offenders . . . 0

A fellow Tech Billionaire calls Elon Musk to task. A snippet:

Vinod Khosla, the billionaire venture capitalist co-founder of the bygone Sun Microsystems, called for an open Democratic convention on X following Biden’s announcement, saying he wanted to get a “more moderate candidate who can easily beat” Trump. Musk, replying to Khosla’s post, urged him to instead back Trump and his running mate, Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, saying “LFG!!”

“Hard for me to support someone with no values, lies, cheats, rapes, demeans women, hates immigrants like me,” Khosla replied. “He may cut my taxes or reduce some regulation but that is no reason to accept depravity in his personal values. Do you want President who will set back climate by a decade in his first year? Do you want his example for your kids as values?”


The Lake Effect 0

David decodes de code.


Unity, GOP Style 0

GOP Elephant and MAGA-hatted man in a pick-up labeled

Click to view the original image.


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but If Often Echoes”* 0

Now it is Dick Polman who hears an echo.


*Mark Twain.


A Tune for the Times 0

Mangy comments on the Youtube page:

Mangy Fetlocks is a proud Wisconsinite, and although he wasn’t REALLY asked to write the official Republican National Convention Song, he learned from Trump that it’s not what you do, but what you SAY you do that matters in our post-truth MAGA America, and Mangy SAYS he wrote the National Convention Song and Mangy has been an official in a children’s soccer game once, so his claim is just as honest as Trump’s pussy-grabbing statements or his “I never took any documents” claims.


Dis Coarse Discourse, Both Sides Not Dept. 0

Title:  Lowering the temperature.  Woman host:  Welcome to Punditspew!  Our guests tonight are Democratic strategist Dan Doormat and Trump campaign adviser Mr. Perkins.  Dan Doormat:  Hello.  Mr. Perkins (flames coming out of his mouth):  Woman, why aren't you at home with your babies.  Host:  So, let's talk about what Trump's second term would be like.  Mr. Perkins (flames coming out of his mouth):  We will purge the vermin and smite the unhumans in our glorious new reich.  Dan Doormat:  If I may speak, that sounds a little scary and authoritarian.  Host:  This just in:  someone attempted to shoot the former president, but he is fine.  Dan Doormat:  I'm glad he's okay.  Mr. Perkins (flames coming out of his mouth):  This is your fault for calling us authoritarian.  Host:  Both of you need to turn down the temperature.

Click to view the original image.


A Moment of Reflection 0

Newswoman:  Our top story this hour--the shocking attempt on the former president's life.  Newsman:  Americans everywhere are asking--how could this specific instance of violence have occurred in our deeply violent society.  Newswoman:  Has a country where people wonder every day if their children will get caught in a school shooting finally lost its innocence?  Newsman:  Our correspondent Betty McBettie is on the scene.  (Switch to Betty McBettie interviewing MAGA-hatted man.)  Betty McBettie:  Does this vicious attack make you reconsider the Republican Party's support for unrestricted gun ownership?  MAGA-hatted Man:  Good Lord, no.  What kind of question is that?  Obviously the only appropriate response is thoughts and prayers.  Anyway, this was the media's fault.  I despise you with the fire of a thousand suns.  I can't wait until Trump wins and executes you all for treason.  Betty McBettie:  I see.  Well, thank you for your fascination perspective.  (Back to the station.)  Newsman:  Thanks, Betty.  Coming up next, do both sides have a problem with violent rhetoric?  We'll see what Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert think.  Newswoman:  Also, a special report on Joe Biden being old, just because.  Newsman:  First, these messages.

Click to view the original image.


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Echoes”* 0

Now it is Darryl Cornelius in the Law Vegas Sun who hears an echo.


*Mark Twain.


More Mean for the Sake of Mean 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Charles Hebert looks at the recent decision by the Supreme Supremacist Court allowing jurisdictions to criminalize homelessness; he sees no good coming from it.

He makes four main points. Follow the link for a detailed exploration of each one.

  • The Supreme Court decision on homelessness has downstream detrimental effects on vulnerable individuals.
  • Persons experiencing homelessness often suffer with mental illness.
  • The involuntary displacement of unsheltered individuals with substance use disorders increases overdose risk.
  • The Covid-19 pandemic has magnified the number of those experiencing homelessness.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Thom Hartman looks at the series of opinions by the Supreme Supremacist Court and concludes that

It’s almost impossible to overstate the significance of this (series of decisions–ed.), or its consequences. We no longer live in America 1.0; this is a new America, one more closely resembling the old Confederacy, where wealthy families and giant companies make the rules, enforce the rules, and punish those who irritate or try to obstruct them.

In America 2.0, there is no right to vote; governors and secretaries of state can take away your vote without even telling you (although they still must go to court to take away your gun). .

Follow the link for the context of his conclusion.


Republican Family Values 0

“Mean for the sake of mean” is a Republican Family Value.

Frames One to Three:  Woman with small child says,

Via Job’s Anger.


The Rule of Flaw 0

Screenshot of Twitter post that reads

Via PoliticalProf, who comments, “That’s about the size of it.”


Establishmentarians 0

At the Kansas City Star, Dion Lefler argues that life has started to echo Monty Python.

As the comedy troupe Monty Python once said, “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.”

I certainly didn’t expect it in Oklahoma.

But Inquisition 2024 came to our neighboring state on Thursday, when Oklahoma’s authoritarian superintendent of public instruction, Ryan Walters, issued an edict that every classroom from fifth to 12th grade must have a Bible in it, and every teacher, regardless of their own beliefs, has to teach from it — or else.

Follow the link for his reasoning.

And, in a related piece, Marty Ryan points out that there is a certain–er–lack of consensus on the number and wording of the Ten (or so) Commandments.


Our Trumpled Polity 0

Thom runs the numbers that show that, since Donald Trump entered the political scene in 2015, hate crimes have escalated dramatically.

Thom also notes that “hate is a cheap effective political weapon” and warns not to be taken in by it.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

Steve M. looks at the reaction of Fox News hosts to Donald Trump’s suggestion that immigrants sbe used as modern-day gladiators for the entertainment of the masses. He suggests that (emphasis added):

The likelihood that this won’t offend any of Trump’s fans suggests that their anger about immigration isn’t based on fear — it’s based on hierarchy. They’re furious at the thought that immigrants might cross the border and simply blend into the population, living American lives and effectively becoming Americans. They need to be put in their place! Forcing them to fight for our entertainment would subordinate them to us.

Methinks Steve M. is onto something. Follow the link for the rest.


I think it telling that, in ancient Rome, gladiators were slaves, and, for all practical purposes, this too would be enslavement–another reason why the Party of the New Secesh would not find this notion objectionable.


A Tune for the Times 0

Bruce W. Nelson tells us more about Falcon E. DeEtte at the Youtube page:

Few folks personify REAL American-style patriots like the liberal hating, Muslim hating, gay hating, environmentalist hating, college-education hating, clean-water hating, electric car hating, government hating, rule-of-law hating, clean air hating, deodorant hating, windmill hating, solar power hating, World Bank hating, Europe hating, NATO hating, Putin loving MAGA folks. To speak on behalf of all those haters of their fellow citizens (and most other people who speak foreign languages) today we present Falcon E. DeEtte, (a man who comes from a long line of E. DeEttes) and who is soon to release his book, “The E.DeEtte’s Guide to MAGA in America”.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

I think it’s not an exaggeration to suggest that what was once the “Party of Lincoln” is now the Party of the Secesh.
