From Pine View Farm

Politics of Hate category archive

Republican Thought Police, Reprise 0

Title:  America's Most Wanted Librarians.  Frame One:  Wanted poster for

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Willfully Blind 0

GOP Elephant at eye doctor's looking at chart the reads

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Disseminators of Defamation, or Accountability for the No Account, Reprise 0

Mark Bankston updates the Majority Report on his case against “social” media liars and the media that propagates the lies thereof. As an aside, the discussion sheds much light on how the disinformation highway disinforms.

One more time, “social” media isn’t.


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Echoes”* 0

This time, it’s the Chicago Tribune’s Sean Kim Butorac who hears an echo from over two centuries ago.


*Mark Twain


Republican Thought Police 0

Heaven forbic that students be exposed to knowledge.


The Dog Whistle 0

Tin-foil-hat-wearing GOP Elephant standing on the wrecked Francis Scott Key bridge holding a sign reading

Click for the original image.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Thom reviews the racist tactics of the Party of the New Secesh today’s Republican Party.

Today’s Republican Party is a vile and loathsome thing. Nelson Rockefeller, Dwight Eisenhower, and even Barry Goldwater must be turning over in their graves.


History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Echoes* 0

Richard Reich hears an echo.

Transcript here.


*Mark Twain.


A Tune for the Times 0


Facebook Frolics 0

Hate-full frolics by the America’s Talibangelicals.


Malice in Blunderland 0

Martin Schramm argues, that, like Alice, we have fallen through a mirror into an alternate universe where everything is upside down and backwards. Here’s a tiny bit of his article:

And that’s the way our world looks and sounds today, as we see and hear it from inside America’s Looking Glass.

Look at what has gone so wrong and seems so backward in the Republican Party founded by Abe and forged by Ike (who saved Europe from being conquered by Hitler) and Ron (who gloriously praised the Greatest Generation that made the world safe for democracy).

But we’ve just seen and heard the new standard bearer-apparent of the Republican Party – Donald Trump – lavishing praise on Europe’s only democracy-snuffing, free-speech-stifling, dictatorial autocrat: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. And we’ve heard all about his love of all sorts of dictators – and even praise of Adolf Hitler.


The Tactics of the Trumpling 0

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Gene Collier looks at the tactics of Donald Trump and the Trumpettes and concludes

This is basic thuggery.

Follow the link to learn how he reached that conclusion.


Republican Thought Police 0

At, Williesha Morris catalogs the crazy. A snippet:

One library in north Alabama even flagged a book for removal because the author’s last name is Gay.

Read the rest.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

Thom debunks the Muskrat lies.


Remember, Elon Musk is an immigrant to America.

Perhaps that is ipso facto evidence that we need to erect higher barriers to entr–oh, never mind.


Establishmentarians 0

Peter Montgomery reports on efforts by right-wing they-call-themselves Christians to keep the spotlight off their efforts to piggy-back on Donald Trump and turn the United States into a theocracy. Here’s a tiny bit:

Scholars have documented that people who hold strong Christian nationalist beliefs are more likely than other Americans to support authoritarianism and embrace the idea that political violence may be necessary to move the country in the right direction. Christian nationalism played a significant role in motivating and mobilizing the crowds that attacked the U.S. Capitol to keep Trump in power after his 2020 defeat. Millions of conservative Christians have been told over and over again that God had anointed Trump to lead America back to God, and have been urged to wage “spiritual warfare” against the Trump’s “demonic” opponents.

Much, much more at the link.


He Is His Owned Man 0

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson says,

Click to view the original image.


Know Them by the Company They Keep 0

The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini points out that Arizona Congresscritter Andy Biggs keeps some pretty sketchy company.


Willful Blindness and the Republican Thought Police 0

At the Bangor Daily News, Solomon D. Stevens argues forcefully that we should not blind ourselves to our country’s faults, as the Republican Thought Police would have us do. I cannot say that I agree with everything he says, but I do think his piece is worth the few minutes it will take to read it. Here’s a snippet, one which I think we are seeing being validated in real time:

When we close our eyes to the fact that our country is flawed, patriotism can turn nasty. It can become defensive and angry. It can lead to the desire to strike out at, to harm, those who dare to question our vision of the country. This can turn what should be a healthy patriotism into a toxic force.


One Thing Is Not Like the Other Thing 0

Robert Reich takes exception to a comment by noted fifth columnist Tucker Carlson:

Days before Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny died in prison, Tucker Carlson gushed over Vladimir Putin, saying, “Leadership requires killing people.”

Well, I’m sorry, Tucker. You’re wrong.

Real leadership is the opposite of thuggery.

Follow the link for the evidence.


A Picture Is Worth 0

Republican Thought Police.
