From Pine View Farm

Republican Lies category archive

The Eastman Codex 0

Farron looks at a California judge’s ruling that Trump lawyer John Eastman should be disbarred. He starts by noting that the ruling does not disbar John Eastman; rather, that is up the the Bar Association. Nevertheless, the ruling has implications for Donald Trump, as Farron explains.


The Privatization Scam 0

At the Inky, Joshua M. Cowen debunks the school voucher bunk. A snippet:

As an expert on school vouchers, I think about the idea of what’s promised in the rhetoric vs. what actually happens when the real cost sets in. To hear voucher lobbyists tell it — usually working for billionaires like Betsy DeVos, or Pennsylvania’s own Jeff Yass — all that’s needed to move American education forward is a fully privatized market of school choice, where parents are customers and education is the product.

As I testified to Pennsylvania lawmakers last fall, however, vouchers are the education equivalent of predatory lending.

Follow the link for his reasoning.


The Lake Effect 0

The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini explains how Trumpette election denier Kari Lake has hoisted herself on her own petard.


“It’s Coming from Inside the House” 0

Thom talks with Sabrina Haake, who argues that Fox News ia far less trustworthy than TiKTok.


Crushing the Jordan 0


The Backfire This Time 0

Republican Elephant standing behind a cannon labeled

Click to view the original image.


Twits on Twitter X Offenders 0

Cruz spews.


The Privatization Scam 0

Title:  Georgia Republicans' School Voucher Plan.  Image:  Public schools suffering in a hospital bed while transfusion of dollars goes into arm of man labeled

Click to view the original image.


Republican Thought Police 0

At, Kyle Whitmore reports on the Autauga-Prattville Library Board, which fired the library directory and now can’t get its story straight about why.


Drivel to Destruction 0

Take the quiz.


The Lake Effect 0

The Arizona Republic’s Laurie Roberts looks at Kari Lake and Mike Lindell’s latest attempt to resuscitate their failed attempt to overthrow Arizona’s 2020 presidential vote count and concludes that there’s no there there.


Misting Water-Colored Memories of the Way We Were 0

Frame One:  Katie Britt says,

Via Job’s Anger.


Q. Why didn’t she say “four years ago,” when Donald Trump was still in office.

A. Because she knew the answer.


Vaccine Nation, Quack Quack Quack Dept. 0


When They Played Their Charade . . . 0

. . . they were like children posing.*


*With apologies to Henry Mancini.


The Handmaid’s Fail 0

David discusses Katie Britt’s groveling self-serving misdirection play* about who’s to blame for her ludicrous and fallacious response to the State of the Union address. (Warning: Short commercial at the end.)


*Ask me nicely, I’ll tell you what I really think.


Trapped by the Transcript 0

David dissects the duplicity. (Warning: Short commercial at the end, but you can certainly skip that.)


Lies and Lying Liars 0

Sam and the crew discuss (one of) Alabama Republican Senator Katie Britt’s lies in her response to President Biden’s State of the Union address.


Foxy Shady 0

Seth takes a closer look at the shovelers of–er–shinola.


The Hunt for Hunter 0


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Via David Pakman’s Youtube page, Brittany Page explores the New Secesh’s attempts to whitewash (I use that term advisedly) slavery and slaveholders. (As my two or three regular readers know, I have found David to be a reasoned and reliable commentator.)


I had ancestors who wore the grey. Indeed, one of them is immortalized in the Harper’s Ferry wax museum signing John Brown’s death warrant.*

I do not deny them, but neither do I try to justify what they did. (Understand, perhaps, as one who trained as an historian, but not justify.)

Those who refuse to learn from past evils doom themselves to repeating them.


*I may have mentioned this before in these electrons, but it was a moment for me when, on a visit to that museum some years ago, Second Son, still in school at the time, looked at the exhibit and said, “So, he was on the wrong side.”

That brought home to me with emphasis that, yes indeed, he was on the wrong side.

It was the wrong side then, and it is the wrong side now.

And it is still rising again after all these years.
