From Pine View Farm

“That Conversation about Race” category archive

The Quiet Part Out Loud, Reprise 0

Jen Psaki puts Donald Trump’s remarks in full context.

Via C&L, which has the transcript.


To Whitewash or Not To Whitewash, That Is the Question . . . . 0

Writing at the Des Moines Register, an Episcopal pastor and descendant, as he recently learned, of slaveholders ponders on what to tell his young son about his family’s past. It is a thoughtful and worthwhile read; here’s tiny bit:

A few years ago the Iowa Legislature passed a bill restricting public schools from teaching concepts that might make students “feel discomfort (or) guilt on account of … race or sex.” Based on this criterion, teaching my son that his ancestors enslaved African people — and that this enslavement has economic ramifications today — would be illegal in his classroom.

Is this really how we want to raise our children — sheltering them from historical complexity and implying that they don’t have the strength to reckon with their peoples’ past?


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Actions have consequences. Here’s the lede from the news report at my old Philly NPR station:

Black college athletes should rethink any decision to attend public colleges and universities in Florida, the NAACP advised in an extraordinary letter issued in response to efforts by Gov. Ron DeSantis to weaken diversity, equity and inclusion efforts statewide.


I became a member of the NAACP when George W. Bush was elected president. (One does not have to be a “colored person” to support the NAACP.) Somehow, I sensed that the Republican Party was headed in the wrong direction. I must say, though, I did not realize just how wrong a direction it was.

I am not sanguine.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Via David Pakman’s Youtube page, Brittany Page explores the New Secesh’s attempts to whitewash (I use that term advisedly) slavery and slaveholders. (As my two or three regular readers know, I have found David to be a reasoned and reliable commentator.)


I had ancestors who wore the grey. Indeed, one of them is immortalized in the Harper’s Ferry wax museum signing John Brown’s death warrant.*

I do not deny them, but neither do I try to justify what they did. (Understand, perhaps, as one who trained as an historian, but not justify.)

Those who refuse to learn from past evils doom themselves to repeating them.


*I may have mentioned this before in these electrons, but it was a moment for me when, on a visit to that museum some years ago, Second Son, still in school at the time, looked at the exhibit and said, “So, he was on the wrong side.”

That brought home to me with emphasis that, yes indeed, he was on the wrong side.

It was the wrong side then, and it is the wrong side now.

And it is still rising again after all these years.


Establishmentarians 0

Long-time Baptist pastor Stephen Jones argues that right-wing extremist they-call-themselves Christians get it precisely backwards:

I take exception to white Christian nationalism because it is a complete misrepresentation of Jesus of Nazareth.

Follow the link for context.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

Thom debunks the Muskrat lies.


Remember, Elon Musk is an immigrant to America.

Perhaps that is ipso facto evidence that we need to erect higher barriers to entr–oh, never mind.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

In a compilation of clips, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar skewers Onnald Trump’s racist hate-mongering.

It is a sad and depressing truth that hate sells, for it finds an eager market.

Reason is hard.

Hate is easy.


Republican Thought Police 0

In the course of a longer article about the Republican Thought Police in Alabama, Dr. Robert O. White II reminds us something George Orwell once wrote:

In his essay The Freedom of the Press, Orwell says: “If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” Included in this is the right to speak, think and express one’s self without being questioned by the state police.

Follow the link for the rest of White’s article.


From the Party of Lincoln to the Party of Stinkin’ 0

The editorial board of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch tells a tale of devolution.


A Tune for the Times 0


Know Them by The Company They Keep,
Still Rising Again after All These Years Dept.

One wonders just precisely what must one do so as to be given an “honorary membership” in the Ku Klux Klan.


Twits on Twitter X Offenders 0


A Tune for the Times 0


Republican Family Values 0

“Suffer the children” is a Republican family value.


See the comments that Thom mentioned regarding the Heritage Foundation at this link.

As one who trained as an historian specializing in U. S. Southern, it seems to me that the “heritage” that the “Heritage” Foundation claims to represent is little more than unreconstructed white Southerners’ myth of the “Lost Cause” dressed up in Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes.


Republican Thought Police 0

Teacher, writing the word

Via Job’s Anger.


The Lake Effect, Still Rising Again after All These Years Dept. 0

How many are The Secesh?

The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini runs the numbers:

I finally have an answer to a question that many individuals from Arizona and around the country have asked me during the past couple of years.

It is: Roughly 25%.

The question being: How many Americans do you figure are as wacky as Kari Lake?

Follow the link for the calculations.


Know Them by the Company They Keep, Reprise 0

Visitors to the House of Wax.


Establishmentarians 0

Michael in Norfolk is somewhat perturbed.

At the Des Moines Register, Jason Benell has more about the effects of establishmentarianism.


Know Them by the Company They Keep 0

The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini points out that Arizona Congresscritter Andy Biggs keeps some pretty sketchy company.


Willful Blindness and the Republican Thought Police 0

At the Bangor Daily News, Solomon D. Stevens argues forcefully that we should not blind ourselves to our country’s faults, as the Republican Thought Police would have us do. I cannot say that I agree with everything he says, but I do think his piece is worth the few minutes it will take to read it. Here’s a snippet, one which I think we are seeing being validated in real time:

When we close our eyes to the fact that our country is flawed, patriotism can turn nasty. It can become defensive and angry. It can lead to the desire to strike out at, to harm, those who dare to question our vision of the country. This can turn what should be a healthy patriotism into a toxic force.
