From Pine View Farm

Trumpcycle 0

Woman:  Trump's latest horrifyingly unhinged Tweet is a distraction from his callous attempt to dismantle Obamacare.  Man:  His callous attempt to dismantle Obamacare is a distraction from his unconstitutional Muslim ban.  Woman:  His unconstitutional Muslim ban is a distraction from his unexplained ties to Russia.  Man:  His unexplained ties to Russia are a distraction from his incomprehensibly terrible budget proposal.  Woman:  His incomprehensibly terrible budget proposal is a distraction from his countless conflicts of interest.  Man;  His countless conflicts of interest are a distration from his infuriating deportation policies.  Woman:  His infuriating deportation policies are a distraction from the relentless chaos of his dysfunctional administration.  Man:  The relentless chaos of his dysfunctional administration is a distraction from his latest horrifyingly unhinged tweet. (Return to the beginning and repeat.)

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