From Pine View Farm

More! More! More! 0

Clear Channel, the Borg that is consuming the media, the Rupert Murdoch of Radio, wants more.

But that’s no surprise, is it?

Ease restrictions, Clear Channel says

Clear Channel Communications, the world’s largest radio broadcaster, called on Congress to ease restrictions on station ownership to help it compete with satellite and Internet-based rivals.

They’ve recently acquired one of my favorite stations; the previous News Director is gone (I do not know if there was any relationship between these two events); and there have been a few scheduling changes (noticeably the addition of Rush Limbaugh), but no other signs of major shakeups.

(Aside–Limbaugh seems to have trouble maintaining a foothold in Delaware. He was on WILM, then they replaced him with Gallagher, who’s not quite as strident and has a slightly more balanced sense of humor, and now he’s back following Gallagher.)

But I’m still dreading the day when it turns into another stinking classic rock station with a name (Ruth, Naomi, the River, Sue, that’s it, Sue, a radio station named Sue), but without call letters.

Or worse, another screaming talker.


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