Torture. Now Part of the American Tradition? 0
There is nothing new here. I had the thought, let’s just pull together a bunch of stories about the current Federal Administration and their belief that torture is somehow part of truth, justice, and the American Way.
Disgusting, isn’t it?
White House pressures Congress to reject torture amendment
Senate Supports Interrogation Limits
McCain fights exception to torture ban
Senate Defies Cheney, Passes Anti-Torture Measure
McCain Vows to Add Detainee-Abuse Provision to All Senate Bills
Torture: The Scandal Among Scandals
Senate, Cheney divided over torture ban
White House Wants CIA Exempt from Torture Ban
US Senate Reaffirms Support for Amendment Banning Torture
U.S. policy: “Torture in our name?”
Administration Wants CIA Exemption on Torture Bill
Negroponte won’t back Cheney on torture