June, 2006 archive
Tempest in a Steak Shop 1
Here in the greater Philadelphia Co-Prosperity Sphere, there’s been a nice little fuss about the properitor of Geno’s steaks (as in cheese steaks) refusing to serve persons who do not order in English.
Vento, 66, grinned his way through a five-minute segment Friday on ABC’s Good Morning America. Since The Inquirer first reported on his signs two weeks ago, he has appeared left and right – though, politically, always the latter – on the Web, TV and talk radio as a proud, tattooed advocate of English only for the nation’s immigrants.
I have no wish to get into a philosophical discussion of this–it’s been beat to death (though I will point out that my ancestors, when they arrived here, already spoke English; had they thought like this gentleman, they would not have allowed his ancestors to make landfall).
My question is this:
When did rudeness become patriotism?
Wealth 6
Almost every day, I get an email from Quotes of the Day–no, not the plug-in on my sidebar there
This one—–> QOTD.org
These meticulously assembled emails contain four or five quotes carefully selected by a person, not a machine, around a theme (by the way, the Quotemaster does requests).
I don’t remember how long I’ve been receiving them, but it’s upwards of four or five years, I think, that the Quotemaster has reliably delivered a daily juicy nugget.
Three weeks ago, that theme was wealth. This one particularly struck me:
Surplus wealth is a sacred trust which its possessor is bound to administer in his lifetime for the good of the community.
– Andrew Carnegie, 1835 – 1919
(You can read the entire QOTD email here.)
Carnegie actually lived those words. He gave away millions back when that was real money.
I don’t see many of today’s rich who follow his example. George Soros and Bill Gates both give away scads of money (whether you like their causes or not is irrelevant), but most of the rich who are so eager to have the estate tax eliminated seem more interested to holding on than to giving away.
Wonder what Mr. Carnegie would have to say about them.
Out of the Mouths of Babes 0
Bush thought he was talking about Hugo Chavez:
Hold up the mirror, Georgie boy.
Defense of Marriage My Anatomy 5
I have been married and divorced twice–what used to be called, back when I was young, a “two-time loser.”
I’m not proud of the divorce part. But there have been some good times and some bad times, and I am very proud of my children.
Neither divorce happened because two doors down, or two streets down, or two states down and to the left there might have been two male or female homosexuals who wanted to solemnize their commitment in some formal, official way.
The proposed defense of marriage amendment is no such thing. In no way does it protect, promote, encourage, strengthen, or defend marriage.
I understand that those who support it include many who sincerely and deeply believe that homosexual behavior is a sin. I can respect those views.
My own beliefs are more in flux, but are somewhat influenced by growing evidence that homosexuality has a genetic component. (If that is the case, cannot be characterized simply as a “choice.” Over the years, indeed, I have known a number of persons who were drawn to members of the same sex; I do know that for none of them was it a choice–it was a fate.)
I cannot respect those who are using this issue to stir the pot, whose interest is clearly not moral concern, but rather political concern, those who choose to exploit fear and bigotry for cynical political gain.
You see them flying around this amendment the way the way seagulls follow a plough, sqawking and keening their cries, leaving their droppings on the body politic.
Fact and Fiction 0
For the current Federal Administration, facts are inconvenient things.
So they try to make them go away.
Scratching the Surface of Global Warming 0
Global warming as a result of the actions of mankind is a real thing. I heard mention on the radio that, in a study of scientific studies, no peer-reviewed paper published in a scientific journal disputes it. Only in media reports do opposing views appear, and those opposing views come from the house “scientists” of lobbying groups funded by companies like Exxon Mobil. They are as persuasive as the Tobacco Industry’s studies that purported to refute the Surgeon General’s Report.
Now, researchers at Duke University have identified a new menace from global warning:
. . . Here’s another threat associated with global warming: giant poison ivy vines.
And for those who come in contact with them, a more vigorous version of the horrendously itchy and ugly rash.
For decades, foresters have noted the increased abundance of woody vines. They suspected rising levels of carbon dioxide, which fuels photosynthesis.
Now, researchers who spent six years monitoring plots of poison ivy in the Duke University forest – to their eventual discomfort – have proved it.
I itch when I’m in the same county as the regular stuff.
Personal Note, Reprise 2
My youngest attained his majority yesterday and graduated high school today.
I told him some while ago, “Please don’t do anything stupid until after you are 18, so you then have the privilige of paying for your own defense attorney.”
He respected that request.
I have had a week of family and friends and responsibilities. And I’ve got a lot of blogging saved up inside.
Q. How do you know George Bush is not lying?
A. His mouth is not moving.