Worth Thinking about 0
Consider what activates people these days:
The King was “depriving us in many cases of the benefits of Trial by Jury.”
The King was “imposing Taxes on us without our Consent.”
The King has “plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.”
Now those were big-league issues. For the complete list, consult the Declaration of Independence.
Last week, in contrast, the congressional descendants of the Founding Fathers were up to their lapel pins in the grave challenge posed by … flag-burning. Sen. John D. Rockefeller 4th (D., W.Va.), a cosponsor of a constitutional amendment to ban such desecration, called it “the first step to truly protect our flag.” Without it, apparently, the terrorists win.
Our nation has become obsessed with arcane and marginal frights. Whereas the Founders worried about getting stopped by a Redcoat patrol and hung, their successors fret that some Sixties holdout will light up Old Glory.
No, the whole column is not about flag-burning–that’s just one example. The entire column is about how important stuff (like the Bill of Rights, for example) is getting lost in a mass of noise about, you will pardon my expression, stupid shit inconsequential, but headline-grabbing, side issues.
While the current Federal Administration disregards the Constitution of the United States of America in its every act.