And So It Begins. Anew. 0
The character assassination machine that masquerades as a political party has begun to unload on John McCain for having the temerity to, well, be John McCain.
Meanwhile, McCain was roasted the other day in New Hampshire, the state that will hold the first GOP presidential primary . . . .
But that was a tame assessment, when compared to the hue and cry from Rush Limbaugh, who is warning on the air that McCain’s behavior “is going to go down as the event that will result in us getting hit again, and if we do, and if McCain, et al., prevail, I can tell you where fingers are going to be pointed.”
I am not a big John McCain fan. At the same time, those people who try to classify him as “just another pol” because, for heaven’s sake, he’s made some compromises and mistakes, miss the point and process of politics. He has certainly demonstrated he has a stopping point, beyond which he will not be pushed, and certain principles and beliefs that he will not compromise.
I would think those who oppose him on this (or any other issue) could find a better way to do so than by starting scurrilous rumors.