From Pine View Farm


The Diane Rehm Show today explored the efforts of the well-heeled to keep us burning coal. From the website:

An account of a developer’s five year battle to gain approval for a wind farm spanning 24 square miles in Nantucket Sound and the opposition he’s faced from some of America’s richest and most politically connected individuals.

Listen here (Real) or visit the website.

(Aside: Well maybe my introduction is a little perjorative. They just don’t want wind farms spoiling their view. Because, by God, it’s their view. But it was an accurate introduction.)

Oh, and why was I listening to the Diane Rehm Show? Because WAMU’s pledge drive is over and I’ve already given to my favorite PBS station. Internet radio is a wonderful thing.



  1. Opie

    May 7, 2007 at 6:59 pm

    I heard WHYY ended theirs after you called your contribution in.

  2. Frank

    May 7, 2007 at 7:47 pm

    I didn’t call it in.

    I mailed it in.

    A month ago.

    And another one three months before that.

    Frankly, I’m glad I did. I’m a WHYY junky–the calibre of programming is exceptional.

    But it was nice to have a break from the begathon.

  3. Opie

    May 7, 2007 at 9:01 pm

    I saw something on TV tonight too awful to describe on a public website. I am going to try to find a way to e-mail it to you.