From Pine View Farm

(Updated) Wingnut Claims about the War on Christmas . . . 0

. . . are a steaming pile of puppy poop. (Updated and kicked to the top.)

Phillybits has the pooper scooper.

Addendum, 12/21/2007:

More scooped poop here, here, and here.

And an editorial here.

(All the links are to Phillybits, so you can just go here and scroll down, at least until those posts crawl off the front page.)


By and large, political and news blogs are in no way journalism, with the exception of a few sites, such as TPM Muckraker, which actually does have a small investigative staff.

Certainly, I make no claim to be a journalist and would not defend my shooting off my mouth as journalism or reporting in any way (except for those odd bits and pieces of life that I sometimes observe first-hand and describe here–that is actually reportage, but also generally trivial).

At best, political and news blogs are aggregators, which pull together stories and opinion pieces from professional news sources and organize them around a theme, or electronic op-ed columns, whose analyses may help the reader better interpret what’s going on around us, or a combination thereof.

At worst, they are havens for anonymous–and sometimes not so anonymous–liars.

Political and news blogs are at their best when they out the liars.



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