From Pine View Farm

Cable Cabal 0

Last week, several cables connecting the Middle East and the Inidan subcontinent to the Internet were cut, prompting speculation among some that there was some kind of conspiracy.

The Network Security podcast took a sane look at this. I commend it to your attention. From the show notes:

Tonight’s special guest is Mike Murray the author of We headed into the land of paranoia and conspiracy theories given recent goings on under the sea in the Middle East. We all agree that these events probably are random, but it still leaves us with raised eyebrows.

The show also took a look at the implications of the Protect America (Yeah! Right!) Act’s and the Patriot Act’s on the civil liberties of American citizens as they relate to computer network security, also in a rational way.

“Rational,” natch, means not wingnut.

You can follow the link or listen here.


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