From Pine View Farm

Unexpected Visit 1

As I mentioned earlier, First Son is home from Afghanistan.

He was unexpectedly in the area this weekend, because of a crisis in First Daughter-in-Law’s family.

It was good to see the two of them.

We have honorable soldiers doing their jobs honorably.

Sadly, they were sent to do those jobs by persons without honor.

My son has served and will continue to serve with honor.

He lives up to his oath to the Constitution of the United States of America, unlike those who sent him.

When are you going to do something about those who dishonor his service by asking him to fight and die for lies?


1 comment

  1. chris the plumber

    April 20, 2008 at 12:46 am

    It’s good to hear that your sons are home! And tell him I said thank you for his service.