From Pine View Farm

And This Surprises Us How? 1

It can surprise only those who haven’t yet figured out that McBushies thrive on lies.

Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan writes in a surprisingly scathing memoir to be published next week that President Bush “veered terribly off course,” was not “open and forthright on Iraq,” and took a “permanent campaign approach” to governing at the expense of candor and competence.

Among the most explosive revelations in the 341-page book, titled “What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception” (Public Affairs, $27.95):

  • • McClellan charges that Bush relied on “propaganda” to sell the war.
  • • He says the White House press corps was too easy on the administration during the run-up to the war.
  • • He admits that some of his own assertions from the briefing room podium turned out to be “badly misguided.”
  • • The longtime Bush loyalist also suggests that two top aides held a secret West Wing meeting to get their story straight about the CIA leak case at a time when federal prosecutors were after them — and McClellan was continuing to defend them despite mounting evidence they had not given him all the facts.
  • • McClellan asserts that the aides — Karl Rove, the president’s senior adviser, and I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the vice president’s chief of staff — “had at best misled” him about their role in the disclosure of former CIA operative Valerie Plame’s identity.

Via John Cole.


1 comment

  1. Phillybits

    May 28, 2008 at 3:14 am

    I heard McClellan was interested in titling his book "If I Did It" but settled on "What Happened" since OJ had already used the controversial title in his book.