From Pine View Farm

Sapsuckers (Updated) 2

Here are a couple of pictures:

Sapsucker on Tree

Sapsucker in Tree

We have noticed that a couple of other local boids don’t seem to like their new neighbors. They hang out just above the nest and harass them.

Probably because they are different.

I think the harassers are the chickadees, but I didn’t get a really good look. Intensive research (five seconds on Google) yielded nothing.

I’ll try to get some pictures of that the next time I’m on the roof (I had to come down because the camera died).

Addendum, Later That Same Afternoon:

Apparently, chickadees, also known as “Black-cap Titmice” (Titmouses?) like to squat in woodpecker holes (emphasis added and this dude needs to attend my writing course–he makes Dickens seem concise):

Hardy, smart, restless, industrious, and frugal, the Black-cap Titmouse ranges through the forest during the summer, and retiring to its more secluded parts, as if to ensure a greater degree of quiet, it usually breeds there. Numerous eggs produce a numerous progeny, and as soon as the first brood has been reared, the young range hither and thither in a body, searching for food, while their parents, intent on forming another family, remain concealed and almost silent, laying their eggs in the hole deserted by some small Woodpecker, or forming one for themselves. As it has been my fortune to witness a pair at this work, I will here state what occurred, notwithstanding the opinion of those who inform us that the bill of a Titmouse is “not shaped for digging.” While seated one morning under a crab-apple tree (very hard wood, reader), I saw two Black-cap Titmice fluttering about in great concern, as if anxious to see me depart. By their manners indeed I was induced to believe that their nest was near, and, anxious to observe their proceedings, I removed to the distance of about twenty paces. The birds now became silent, alighted on the apple-tree, gradually moved towards the base of one of its large branches, and one of them disappeared in what I then supposed to be the hole of some small Woodpecker; but I saw it presently on the edge, with a small chip in its bill, and again cautiously approached the tree. When three or four yards off I distinctly heard the peckings or taps of the industrious worker within, and saw it come to the mouth of the hole and return many times in succession in the course of half an hour, after which I got up and examined the mansion. The hole was about three inches deep, and dug obliquely downward from the aperture, which was just large enough to admit the bird. I had observed both sexes at this labour, and left the spot perfectly satisfied as to their power of boring a nest for themselves.

H/T to Linda for finding this.



  1. Bill

    May 5, 2008 at 6:38 am

    Titmice?  Isn’t that one of the words George Carlin said you couldn’t say on TV?

  2. Frank

    May 5, 2008 at 1:09 pm

    That was tit mounds.