October, 2008 archive
Linux Makes Inroads in Hospitals 0
Makes inroads:
This raises so many questions. Will Richard Stallman insist that the baby be called GNU/Linux? Does a baby named Linux go to sleep and wake up without problems? How often does he outgrow his footwear and require a reboot?
Reportedly, they had another name picked out, but, when he arrived, they thought he was as cute as Tux:

Via Linux Outlaws.
Real Americans 0
Frankly, I resent the Republican Party’s implication that, unless you vote wingnut, you are not from the “Real America.”
My father’s people came here in the early 1600’s. My mother’s people received their family farm (which, unfortunately, her Grandfather drank away) in a landgrant from one of the Kings Georges.
My ancestors on both sides fought in the Revolutionary War.
They also fought (on the wrong side, sadly–something that caused Second Son great embarrassment when he saw a statue of my Great-Great-mumble not sure how many Greats-Uncle signing John Brown’s death certificate at the Harper’s Ferry Wax Museum) in the Civil War.
And my family has fought in American Wars before and since.
My older son wears the uniform of the United States of America and has twice served overseas in combat.
The little Baptist Church in which I grew up stands on land donated by one of my ancestors before the ratification of the Constitution of the United States.
And for some venal, insipid, pandering, ignorant pol to imply that I and my family members and anyone else who loves this country and what it stands for, no matter whether they have been here three months or three hundred years, who believes in the ideals of the Founders, who reveres the blood they shed and the risks they took, are somehow not “real America” because of our choices at the ballot box, is beyond disgusting.
All this reveals is that the wingnuts really have no understanding of what this nation, its history and heritage, its ideals, its sacrifices, its failures and triumphs, are about.
I have no words for my contempt for them and their arrogance and ignorance.
Either Something Is Seriously Wrong or I’ve Been Noticed 0
I’ve had to reboot the server twice today because it was dragging.
It’s not the OS.
Slackware is rock solid. It always works and never crashes.
Both times the database passed all the checks.
Guess I’ll have to see whether I can salvage the P4 that’s sitting downstairs on the treadmill with the dead HDD and turn it into a server. Somewhere I have an HDD sitting in a drawer.
New Jersey Is Stopped Up 0
Do We Call Chris the Plumber or Joe the Tow Truck Driver?
The truck was reportedly carrying a load of toilets. The load will be offloaded before the truck can be uprighted before 8 a.m., Jones said. Traffic was being detoured to Interstate 295.
Real Coffee and the Morning Is Good 0
My shipment of Gevalia came yesterday. It’s worth the extra pennies.
No more Eight O’Clock (that’s my fall-back).
I’m drinking Kenyan this morning.
Tripe 0
That’s another word for “underbelly.”
From the Booman, and he’s right on target. He describes the foundations of Republicanism. In all its slimy reality.
Addendum, Later That Same Evening:
Racist bastards.
I Love Open Source Error Messages 0
Programmers who are not creatures of some corporation have a sense of humor and are allowed to display it.
When I started the burn, K3B told me that the image had an invalid file size and to “continue only if you know what you are doing.”
I don’t, but I continued. The worst that can happen is I throw away the disk.
By the way, I once reported a bug to the K3B developer (it had to do with retarding the computer clock when using the “Copy DVD” feature to copy from one DVD drive to another). We traded emails off and on for about six months. He’s a hell of a nice guy and jealously desirous of making K3B the best burner program around.
In the World of Window$, I’ve used Nero, Sonic, and Roxio. Nero and Roxio are about the best of the Windows bunch. I have licensed copies of all three.
K3B is better and easier to use than any one, two, or three of them.
“mysqldump: Got error: 2002: Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock’ (2) when trying to connect” (Updated) (Updated Again–Fixed) 2
When entering the command
mysqldump -u [username] -p[password] –opt [databasename]
Man, I hate trouble-shooting SQL.
Now, I know more about SQL than most computer users. A good part of my work at Checkpoint involved supporting SQL databases, both in Crystal Reports and in M$SQL (I preferred Crystal). MySQL is not all that different. Structured Query Language is, after all Structured Query Language.
But what I know how to do is change the oil and check the fluid levels. Fuel injection is a mystery to me. So are the inner workings of SQL.
When I have fuel injection problems, I take my vehicle to Jack Smith’s; I know Donnie will get it right the first time and fix the problem.
I got no Jack Smith’s for SQL.
When I have to shoot this kind of trouble, it’s like reading a Proust novel in French using a French-English/English-French dictionary.
Oh, well. I’ll figure it out. I always do.
And when I do, I’ll write a script (it’s actually half-written) that makes a folder over there
on my second hard drive, named with today’s date (year-month-date-hour-minute) and backs my database up to it. Then I’ll make the script a cron job so it runs every night.
No more three months of lost blogging for me.
(I know that Opie is the only regular I have who’s going to have any idea what the heck I’m talking about. That’s why all the links. We were all newbies once.)
Click to read the updates.
Read more »
Voter Fraud 0
ASZ has the story.
This appears to be the real thing, unlike the ACORN stuff, and, natch, it’s a Republican thing.
Bushonomics 0
My project got cancelled.
My current customer’s client, which is not a member of the financial sector, is going into armadillo mode until the economy settles down.
My customer had to lay off two of his full-timers, in addition to me, a contractor, and reshuffle the remaining work to his most senior guys (I would have done the same thing, by the way).
Class Acts (Updated) 0
vs. crass acts, over at the Booman’s place.
This one is worth 30 seconds–60 seconds on dial-up–folks (well, maybe I should say “folk,” but that’s neither here nor elsewhere).
It lays out in three column inches the difference between the two campaigns and their adherents.
Addendum, Later That Same Evening:
Balloon Juice has more.
All Hallows Eve 1
One thing I don’t get is the modern mania for decorating for every holiday. Hallowe’en may be the second to Christmas in terms of what persons do to their houses (though it’s sixth in terms of spending).
I wasn’t going to decorate for Hallowe’en.
But I’m having second thoughts.
Thinking he was being funny, Second Son, whom I’m in the process of disinheriting, brought this . . . this . . . this . . . thing into the house that is so appalling in its appearance and so bone-chilling in its implications that I’m thinking that, if I put it on a frame next to the front step, I won’t have to worry about trick-or-treaters; they’ll just go screaming into the night.
It’s carries such an aura of malevolence that I don’t want to put it here on the front page.
But you can see it (parental advisory) here.