End the Politics of Hate: McHatchet Job Dept. 0
Reacting to this interview with Willaim Ayers, Dan Kennedy writes in the Guardian (emphasis added):
Which makes it all the more reprehensible that John McCain and Sarah Palin would single this man out, holding him up as an object of hatred as the crowds they had whipped into a frenzy cried, “Kill him!” The McCain-Palin ticket may be history, but the rage it unleashed lives on.
“Now that the campaign is over, have the death threats stopped?” (interviewer Terry–ed.) Gross asked Ayers.
“Escalated,” Ayers replied.
“Why, do you think?”
“I’m not sure,” Ayers said, “but I’ve gotten a lot of threats that talk about civil war and the fact that we now have a socialist government and that the war is on. And I send all of these threats to the police because I don’t know how to handle them”.