From Pine View Farm

2008 archive

Nutshell 0

John Cole:

Fortunately for everyone involved, Barack Obama is no George Bush.


Even a Blind Pig Finds an Acorn Sometimes 0


Nobody can get it wrong all the time. Just most of the time.

Via Eschaton.


“Move ‘Em Up, Head ‘Em Out” 0

Dick Polman has a nice roundup of just deserts.


Off To Drink Liberally 0

After running my errands.


Craig’s Sist 0

Senator Craig–ahem–stalled again.


Contrasts 0

Republican Economic Theory: Making nothing out of something.

Republican Political Tactics: Making something out of nothing.


A Picture Worth a Thousand Words 0



Swampwater 0

It’s the Lynndie England case all over again; throw the grunts under the bus and promote the officers. Eugene Robinson:

The federal manslaughter indictment of five Blackwater Worldwide security guards in the horrific massacre of more than a dozen Iraqi civilians in Baghdad may look like an exercise in accountability, but it’s probably the exact opposite — a whitewash that absolves the government and corporate officials who should bear ultimate responsibility.


The indictment, charging voluntary manslaughter and weapons violations, demonstrates that those who engage “in unprovoked attacks will be held accountable,” Assistant Attorney General Patrick Rowan claimed.

But it demonstrates nothing of the sort. As with the torture and humiliation of detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison, our government is deflecting all scrutiny from the corporate higher-ups who employed the guards — to say nothing of the policymakers whose decisions made the shootings possible, if not inevitable.


Bonddad on Buicks 0

Thoughts on an auto bailout:

. . . I am an incredibly reluctant supporter of the bail-out, not because I think it’s a good idea but because letting a US car company go bankrupt would be an incredibly bad idea. As a result, I would attach a ton of conditions to the money. For example, mileage standards would have to improve big-time. The big three’s reliance on the SUV business model would go bye-bye. Executive compensation would have to be cut until the companies showed a profit (personally, I would propose a package and then subtract the total compensation for the last 5 years for the Board of Directors and Executives from the package total because these guys clearly didn’t earn that money). Major financial cuts at all levels would happen. That means executive fly coach and rent compact cars on business trips. Downsizing from a physical plant and personnel perspective is a must. Simply put, the car companies would still have to face major restructuring. It’s simply unavoidable at this point; the US auto industry would look very different when this is all said and done.


On U. S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald 0

Josh Marshall:

Everything I know about Fitzgerald tells me he’s exactly what you want in a US Attorney. The real thing.


Not Wile E. Enough (Updated: Sad Ending) 1

He should have gone to Acme:

The coyote was caught Monday afternoon at a Sears Appliance and Hardware Store at Northampton Crossings. The mall is in an area of open spaces and farmland near Nazareth, about 50 miles north of Philadelphia.

Addendum, the Next Day:

The coyote was euthanized. Vets said it had internal injuries and might have been hit by a vehicle.


Bushonomics: The Fat Lady Sings Dept. 0

The curtain descends:

After 58 years and more than 200 productions, the Baltimore Opera Company will file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy-law protection today amid dwindling ticket sales and contributions.

Via NPR.


Down at the Farm 1

Woke up this morning to no blog.

Sometime during the night, the router reset itself to default settings, which means that it closed port 80 and denied access to the webserver without a password.

Since no password is set up for remote access to the network in the router’s default settings, well, d’oh!

Cure: 1/2 hour of panicky trouble-shooting, followed by unplugging the router for 10 seconds, plugging it back in, teleporting into it using the default highly insecure password, reopening port 80, and changing the password to something secure.

As with most trouble-shooting, finding the problem was the worst part; fixing it was easy.

Normally, I’d blame the cat. She likes to curl up in the network entrance and has knocked me offline before, but the door to the cabinet was closed.

I think I’ll blame the cat anyway. She’s got to be good for something besides mousing.


Guilty until Proven Innocent . . . 0

. . . and, when proven innocent, still treated as guilty.

Bushie justice.

There is no more morality in the Current Federal Administration than there is in a brick.


Best Health Care in the World, As Long As You Don’t Need It 0

Second Son told me about this.

Jimmy is a friend of friends who took a fall a couple of years ago:

“With financial support, his family could afford the resources that would help Jimmy progress faster. Services like physical and speech therapy–programs that his insurance no longer cover (sic).”


One More Time: The Internet Is a Public Place 0

It’s difficult for me to see this as a feminist-type issue.

I know a little bit about frat-boy type behavior (one reason I was never interested in joining a frat–why pay dues to get drunk?).

I can see the same thing happening had a male candidate been the subject.

But some persons do see it thus.

It looks to me more like a stupidity-out-of-control-type issue.

If you don’t want absolutely everyone to be able to see something, don’t show it to absolutely everyone.

H/T Karen for the link.


Bushonomics: The Legacy 1

Bonddad. Follow the link for the analyses behind his conclusion (emphasis in the original):

. . . for everybody out there who is saying “there is no organized central plan to this problem” — there isn’t one available. There is no book out there that says, “this is how you undo years of financial damage in 3 easy steps.” It just doesn’t exist. There are a lot of armchair economists out there saying this is a bad idea or that is a bad idea. What these people are forgetting is the previously made point — no one has a clear plan on what to do because one doesn’t exist. It’s that simple.

The point of the previous two paragraphs is to point out that we are in clearly uncharted waters in a big way. There are no rules that apply — we’re trying to figure this thing out as we go along. Also remember that no one in the incoming administration has a crystal ball either. While there are a lot of very smart and capable people out, there don’t have the magical “how to fix this crisis in three easy steps” book either. In other words — it’s going to be a long and difficult road going forward.

I wouldn’t want Mr. Obama’s job for the world.


Nixon v. Bush 0

Dick Polman votes for Bush.


Now the Nuts Can Be Put Back in Their Nutcases for a While 1

’nuff said:

The Supreme Court this morning unceremoniously declined to hear an emergency appeal from a man who claimed President-elect Barack Obama is not qualified for the presidency because he is not a “natural-born” citizen.

H/T Karen for the link.


“More Than One Trillion Pages” 0

How Google works. Fascinating.

(Link fixed.)
