Covering Up 0
CIA destroyed 92 tapes of its interrogations of prisoners. The tapes were subject to a discovery proceeding:
The ACLU immediately called for the judge to issue a “prompt finding of contempt” against the CIA.
Amrit Singh, an attorney with the ACLU and counsel on the case said to Raw Story, “The large number of video tapes destroyed confirms that this was a systemic attempt to evade court orders.”
Singh added, “It’s about time, now that the court knows 92 tapes have been destroyed, that it hold the CIA accountable for the destruction of the tapes.”
In other news, Attorney General Holder again rules out Bushie torture:
“Waterboarding is torture. My justice department will not justify it, will not rationalize it and will not condone it,” Holder said in a speech to the Jewish Council of Public Affairs.