From Pine View Farm

Thanks for the Memos (Updated) 0

The news today is full of stories about Bushie Department of Justice memos that were released yesterday.

TPM linked to some of them yesterday.

I particularly liked this one (PDF), from last October, which pretty much starts with “remember what Gonzo said seven years ago? Forget it.”

DOJ Memo

A clear case of covering their rear ends before the door hit them on the way out.

These memos add further evidence of what a lot of us have been saying for years.

The Bushies cared not for the Constitution of the United States of America; not for the rights and liberty of the people; not for the blood, sacrifices, and dreams of the Founders and of the American people as they have tried to bumble their way to a more perfect union for the last two centuries.

H/T Karen for the link to the Washington Post.


The title of Dick Polman’s commentary nails it. Follow the link and read the column:

Bush’s Secret Dictatorship

By the way, here’s part of my reply to Karen’s email telling me about the news story in the Post:

I was just hearing the report on NPR Morning Edition.

Wanted to make himself a bleedin’ dictator.


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