Weather 1
The forecast is for snow.
Looks like they may be right this time (radar as of 4 p. m.):

The worst snow storms we get in these parts are not the ones Karen sends here from Colorado. They tend to drop most of their snow over the Midwest and the western slope of the Appalachians.
The worst ones are the ones that come up from the south, all full of moisture sucked up from the Atlantic Ocean and the Chesapeake Bay.
Like this one six years ago.
Right now, the prediction is for two to four inches, enough to be annoying.
Yes, we have bread and milk.
March 1, 2009 at 5:01 pm
We just want to share!
I know it’s in the 60’s right now (if I hadn’t killed the thingee, that told the temp on my site, or was capable of getting it back) I could say exactly. We’re looking for 70’s for the next few days.
But, if we don’t get plenty of snow soon, we’re gonna look at water restrictions again this summer with lots of fires in the mountains.