Gog Rations 2
The Booman wrote about Gog and Magog last week.
Now comes Andrew Brown in the Guardian. After quoting the relevant passage, a relativerly minor one in Ezekiel, Brown explicates it:
Ezekiel was prophesying to his countrymen, not ours, 2500 or so years ago.
Anyone who calls himself a Christian, as I do, must accept that Jesus fulfilled the law and the prophesies and that, from that point on, it has been a whole new ballgame.
Playing semantic games with the scriptures–any scriptures, not just Christian scriptures–for contemporary terrestial political gain is the worst kind of pandering.
Afterthought: There is no halfway point for BIblical literalism. If one chooses to be a literalist, one must, at the next wedding one attends, demand to see the proofs of virginity following the consummation of the marriage.
Good luck on that.
August 11, 2009 at 2:49 pm
Not to toot my own horn, but I discussed this, too.
August 11, 2009 at 3:02 pm
Toot your own horn all you want!!!!