September, 2009 archive
Brendan Remembers 9/11 0
In this week’s column.
Never Wrong. Always Right. 0
Because they are Masters of the Universe.
“Ladybug, Ladybug, Fly Away Home” 0
’cause we miss you:
You Know You Are a Geek When . . . 0
. . . you see an automobile commercial talking about RPMs and you think of “Redhat Package Management.”
Study Hard. Stay in School. 0
Social Insurance 0
Jim Henley considers health insurance as “social insurance.” The whole think is worth a look; I’ve omitted all but his definition of “social insurance” and his conclusion:
There are perfectly coherent ideological arguments against social insurance. If you believe all taxation is theft, that government is illegitimate, social insurance is a form of taxation, and a crime. If you believe that what’s good about “the American system of free enterprise” is that fear of catastrophe keeps people in line, then social insurance undermines social cohesion, and that’s bad. If you believe that “people make their own luck,” or that fortune is a sign of divine favor and misfortune the judgment of the Almighty, then social insurance rewards the undeserving. I don’t find these arguments compelling any more, but they exist and are viable positions.
There are also incoherent arguments against social insurance, the chief of which is the notion that any version of it must somehow be worse than the bizarre patchwork of subsidies, regulations, entry barriers and backstops that we have now. But these are arguments against doing social insurance, not refutations of the concept.
Emails 0
Oliver Burkeman, writing at the Guardian, has obtained super-secret completely made-up presidential emails.
One of them:
To: Malia Obama
Subject: Re: Day off next Tuesday?No you can NOT take the day off school in order to avoid being turned into a communist by “the most dangerously liberal president in America’s history”. . . Also, communists and liberals are totally different. Ask your sister.
Contradictions 0
I could not have said it as well as Noz.
Dossiers 0
On the Media reports:
A key to their strategy is using certain video games to collect data.
Follow the link to listen or listen below (MP3):
The transcript is scheduled to be added Monday.
Ahh! To Be in Pennsylvania for the Whisperings of Autumn 0
Teacher strikes. It’s tradition in southeastern Pennsylvania.
Union officials said the school board had made work-rule changes that amounted to a lockout, mainly adding 20 minutes to the elementary-school schedule. The board contended that any work stoppage would be illegal without 48 hours’ notice.
By and large, teachers in this part of the world are paid pretty well. Not great, but okay.
In such circumstances, strikes and threats of strikes usually have more to do with working conditions and with a sense of being generally mistreated by management than with any quantifiable item, though unions will ask for pay or hours changes because you cannot negotiate courtesy.
I worked in a unionized industry for many years. The managers and departments who had “union problems” (grievances, work-to-rule, and stuff like that) were invariably–not usually, invariably–the ones who treated their workers like dirt.
Law and Order SVU takes on the anti-vaccination kooks.
Philadelphia Shrinquirer FAIL 0
Couldn’t find the morning paper after going to several places (the Wilmington paper just isn’t worth the effort of carrying it to the car).
The owner of Claymont News told me that “everyone is sold out,” because the Shrinky reduced the size of the delivery for the holiday. Did have a nice chat with another customer about how Brian Tierney has, to quote him, “. . . done the Inquirer no favors.”
I ended up getting a Washington Post instead of a New York Times because, well, what’s Sunday without Sunday comics and an agony column?
Carrion Eaters 0
Who could make this stuff up?
Can This Marriage Be Saved? 1
From the Henny Youngman news wire:
They initially thought he was suffering from an ear injury and went to help him but found he was unhurt.
“While we were still puzzling over the this, his wife ran up and continued nagging him,” said a crewmate.
“The husband covered his ears again and said: ‘I need a break’ before jumping over the side into the rushing river.
Via Wait! Wait!