From Pine View Farm

September, 2009 archive

Southern California Does Have Four Seasons 0

Mudslide, earthquake, drought, fire:

Californians Gather To Celebrate Annual Wildfire Tradition

Via the Daily Dish.


Opera Developer Tools 0

I’ve been working on a website for a friend of mine and, as I have tried to clean up the last couple of things so I can invoice so it can go live, I haven’t had a lot of luck.

Then I found Opera Developer Tools. They come with Opera. I just never stumbled over them before.

It shows the css, the rendered page code, and the scripts, as well as lists page errors and all sorts of other neat stuff.

Opera Development Tools

Click the image for a larger picture.

Afterthought: I’m hardly a web developer. But I’m a pretty good editor.


Under Water 0

Find out where you’ll be when the creeks rise.

Via Mithras.


Watch How They Vote, Not How They Talk 0

Via Oliver Willis.


“Screw Around. Drop Out.” 0

Via Skippy.


Pay for Performance 0

Bryan Gould, writing in the Guardian, skewers the banksters’ bonus culture.

The absurdity of the whole “pay for performance” nonsense is the masters of the universe continued to be get their “bonuses for performance” even as the recipients companies have gone down in flames.

It was never about company performance. It was about accumulation of personal wealth.

The supposed need to pay a top executive 100 times the income of his skilled employees is a self-serving nonsense produced by a small charmed circle who claim the right to set their own (and their mates’) pay rates. But the bonus culture which seems to have emerged unscathed from the recession is objectionable, not just because it produces scandalous inequities in terms of total remuneration, but because it is seriously deficient as a means of producing better economic performance.

To review the evidence, read the whole thing.



Tom Levenson:

. . . insurance companies are not part of the health care system. They are part of the health care industry.


Dustbiters 0

A continuing series of mastery of the universe.

And they haven’t even made it to the Mountain Time Zone yet.

(The next morning)

Now they have:

First State Bank, Flagstaff, Arizona


Senator Franken and the Cup of Tea 0


Maxim 0

No, not the magazine.

This little tidbit at Glomarization.

(Come to think of it, has anyone ever seen a big tidbit?)


The Next Steps 0

Bill Shein investigates the upcoming phase of the health care legislation or lack thereof.



Not all it’s cracked up to be.

See the scorecard at Kiko’s House.


There’s Always Room for Jello 0

Well, maybe not so much:

There’s no room for Jell-O downtown (Norfolk, Va.), at least not for female Jell-O wrestling.


(Club owner) Reid said the show was canceled Monday, a day before city officials called. The event was to be produced by an outside promoter and was booked six weeks ago, he said, long before the city stripped licenses to serve alcohol from Have a Nice Day Cafe and Bar Norfolk.

Burning question: Cherry or strawberry?


Foamers (Updated) 2

Where were the protests when George W. Bush actually went to a school to read a book?

Oh. I forgot.

There weren’t any.


John Cole at Balloon Juice.


Steve Benen via Noz. (See the comments at Noz’s place.)


“Nobody Could Have Predicted . . .” 0

. . . except for all those folks who did.

Dozens of protesters holding a rally in support of President Obama’s healthcare reform plan got into a shouting match with a smaller group of anti-reform demonstrators across the street. The conflict escalated as a member of the pro-Obama group and a member of the counter-demonstration confronted each other and a physical fight ensued, sheriff’s spokesman Eric Buschow said.

The bitee threw the first punch and, according to the story, claims he did so because he felt threatened.

The bitee has health coverage.


Field has commentary.


Anyone Who Has Ever Read . . . 0

. . . The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer knows that Pat Buchanan is a unacquainted with historical truth.

Then, again, anyone who has actually listened to Pat Buchanan knows he is a unacquainted with historical truth.

Jesus H. Christ.

I’m going to bed while something stupid from Court TruTV rocks me to sleep.


“Make To Sure Spell Everything Wrong and Swear a Lot” 0

Tracking your kids on line.

Via Susie.


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go (Update) 0

Choose your indicator: upsy or downsy.

A Labor Department report on Thursday showed initial claims for state unemployment insurance benefits fell 4,000 to a seasonally adjusted 570,000 last week. However, the four-week moving average for new jobless claims, considered a better gauge of underlying trends, rose 4,000 to 571,250.

Still over half a million.

Addendum, the Next Day:

9.7% Unemployment. QOTD from Marketwatch:

Economist Robert Brusca said the trend is favorable, adding that he couldn’t understand the pessimism of so many observers. “I feel like a parent locked in a car with a little kid screaming ” DADDY! ARE WE THERE YET?”

Many economists think the unemployment rate will top out near 10%, late this year or early next year. “What really matters is when payrolls and the jobless rate will turn, and we still believe that the timeframe on both is soon, probably sooner than most other forecasters expect,” wrote Stephen Stanley, chief economist for RBS Securities.


“R” Rated, Reprise 2

Content removed in deference to a friend.


Folk Medicine 0


Via Bartcop.
