From Pine View Farm

Falling ACORN 1

The end of ACORN, slain by a lie.

Editor Clark Hoyt finally admitted that both he and his paper were “wrong” in the way, for the last six months, they unskeptically and inaccurately covered the Rightwing hoaxsters who released doctored-up, heavily-overdubbed, secretly-taped hit videos targeting the national community organization ACORN, largely for their work in legally registering hundreds of thousands of low-income voters so they could have their voice heard in their own democracy, the group is announcing that it will be “bringing its operations to a close”.

The rightwing feared and destroyed ACORN because ACORN helped the helpless.


1 comment

  1. Karen

    March 23, 2010 at 4:34 pm

    They had to destroy it, you see. Because Acorn was helping people the right consider beneath themselves. After receiving help, they were able to take part in an election that the right lost. So Acorn had to go. However they had to do it.
