Cheesephake 0
If you see a “cheesesteak” on a menu more than 35 miles from Philadelphia, you can be certain it’s not a true cheesesteak sandwich.
If the menu says, “Philly Cheese Steak,” you can be certain that it’s an abomination that would warrant a kneecapping at 2nd and South.
This is from the menu at one of the nicer restaurants around here:

French Baguette? Pat Oliveri would be insulted. Does “Oliveri” sound French to you?
Bell peppers? They had better not try that at Broad and Passyunk.
(Given the track record of this restaurant, it’s probably quite palatable, but it is not a “Philly Cheesesteak”–maybe a Virginia Beach Frenchie Steak.)
There’s another dive in these parts that actually puts mayonnaise on some vile concoction that they refer to as a “Philly Cheesesteak.” (I worked up the nerve to try that one. I shouldn’t have.)
Words fail me.