From Pine View Farm

Magic Bullets 0

Remember RLS?

Three years ago, television was blanketed with ads for something to combat Restless Leg Syndrome. Now, RLS is a very real thing–I know someone who has had it–but the ads implied that it was more common than hinky bankers.

It isn’t.

It is, in fact, relatively rare and prescription medicine is even more rarely indicated.

Karen Stabiner, writing in the Philadelphia Inquirer, considers the recent spate of news of drugs’ being decertified, which seems to indicate that many of Big Pharma’s Big Remedies are based primarily on sound research with marketing department focus groups. A nugget:

In 2009, all 50 states failed to meet the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Healthy People 2010 overweight target of no more than 15 percent of the population. And yet we spend billions on supplements designed to keep us healthy in spite of ourselves. We want an effortless fix – longevity in a capsule with a doughnut chaser.


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