TSA Security Theatre 0
No there there:
I felt angry, helpless, and punchy (silently teeming with nervous har-har-har one-liners about my husband’s groin), and tried to recollect the opinion I’ve had ever since the beginning, late last year, of heightened airport scannings and patdowns: that these measures are a disturbing invasion of privacy, but that on the off-chance that they might avert — or deter — even one airborne disaster, the overall societal benefit might outweigh the individual violation.
(snip the waiting)
Then they opened the door and told my husband he could go. They were careful not to apologize for the procedure, but they did say they were sorry my husband had had to wait so long for the supervisor to show up. They handed me my husband’s boarding pass. We never learned what the unidentified thing in his groin was.
Follow the link to read the whole thing, including the author’s quite rational musings on privacy vs. security.
But I don’t think all the reasoning in the world can make this feel any less skeevy.
Frankly, I’m glad that my road warrior days are over.

Image via Boing Boing.