From Pine View Farm

Facebook Frolics 0

Add “Facebook depression” to potential harms linked with social media, an influential doctors group warns, referring to a condition it says may affect troubled teens who obsess over the online site.

Researchers disagree on whether it’s simply an extension of depression some kids feel in other circumstances, or a distinct condition linked with using the online site.

The story goes on to list the myriad dangers of Facebook. Only towards the end does a doctor get quoted to the effect that, to the extent that Facebook has an effect, it is limited to potentially exaggerating tendencies that already exist. I guess scary sells (it certainly sells in politics).

I certainly do not think Facebook is inherently a grand and glorious thing. It can be a useful tool for many things, including recreation and reconnection; as with other tools, such as a sledge hammer, one can just as easily drop it on one’s foot if one doesn’t pay attention.

(One of the dangers of making computers easy to use it has been that it has made them easy to use for everyone, including those who don’t bother to learn how to practice safe HEX.)

Every few years come alarms from “experts” about this thing or that thing which is ruining our youth.

When I was a young ‘un, it was comic books ruining our youth.

Then it was television, followed by long hair on boys, disco dancing, and video games.

It is, in fact, global warning. It has one constant: those issuing the warnings are rewarded with articles, interviews, and book contracts.

I am more optimistic.

I am confident that our youth are quite capable of ruining themselves without help.


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