Pig in a Pokey (Updated) 0
The Ridley, Pa., police have kidnapped a pet pot-bellied pig who wandered away and won’t tell anyone where he is because, in their minds, he’s a farm animal.
They have porked him in a hiding place.
I fear the sty in their eye prevents them from behaving other than pettishly.
One could say that this swine flew the coop.
This is silly and stupid (and I’m not referring to my post). Also cruel.
A six-pound pig that lives indoors and uses a litter box is no more a farm animal than a pet rabbit is a wild beast.
Addendum, Two Days Later:
The pig is out of stir and no longer in danger of stir-fry:
As officials clammed up, the “Where is Steve?” rallying cry was quickly getting attention on Facebook, and a friend of Maguire’s and Broadhurst’s started printing T-shirts with the slogan.
Apparently, the pressure was too much for Ridley officials.
And little Steve made it wee, wee, wee, all the way home.