From Pine View Farm

Parallels 0

Chan Akya, writing at the Asia Times, sees parallels in the West’s treatment of Pakistan and treatment of banksters. In both cases, miscreants have been rewarded and allowed to continue their miscreance. A short selection from a long article:

Pakistan from the mid-1980s but much more so from the beginning of 2002 had been weaned by two parental figures; namely the Wahhabi Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America. One provided cheap oil and money to keep the madrassas that recruited warriors into a holy war going; the other provided military aid that would make nervous opponents like India and Israel back off into the quiet corner. The idea was that economic and military aid would lead to a stronger Pakistan that could shake off its feudal society and arrive on the global stage as a full-fledged and responsible player. And yet no one really considered what the sum total of these opposing philosophies would be on the evolution of Pakistan as a society.

The same vein of (il)logic has applied in the global financial system since 2008; namely that between the parental figures in governments (in Europe and the US) and central banks there was a great attempt at inflating the financial positions of banks so that they could return to profitability and thereby resume a useful role in society. This has come to naught as none of the rescued banks have bothered to start lending more to governments and people in their home countries; instead they are using all their newfound capital and liquidity to purchase junk securities and speculate in commodity markets.

Think through this logic in moral terms. When you have socially destructive errant behavior, the worst thing possible may well be to bail out certain culprits in the obscene hope that their ways can be changed. If you wanted to stop drug pushers in the neighborhood, it would be a good idea to remove demand – ie cure the addicted folks – rather than attempt to buy the drug pushers out. The latter course of action would only result in the perverse situation of more people taking up drug-running in the hopes of either making money or being bought out.

Follow the link and pay close attention to the dates he finds notable.


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