From Pine View Farm

No, It Hasn’t Gone Away 0

When my Jim Crow school system started to proceed towards complying with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Lq! all those years ago, they canceled the prom because they were afraid some little white boy would ask some little black girl to dance of (much worse) some little black boy would ask some little white girl to dance.

That was over four decades ago.

But they didn’t go as far as an Arkansas school district did just this spring. They gave the award to those who earned it; within a couple of years, a black girl earned valedictorian (in fact, I think she may have been in my brother’s class):

A high school in Arkansas would not permit a black female student with the highest GPA in her high school to be valedictorian of her graduating class, and appointed a white student with a lower GPA to serve as the black student’s co-valedictorian.

Follow the link for details and citations.


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