From Pine View Farm

July, 2011 archive

Responsible Parties 0

Too Much Responsibility

Via BartBlog.


No, It Hasn’t Gone Away 0

When my Jim Crow school system started to proceed towards complying with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Lq! all those years ago, they canceled the prom because they were afraid some little white boy would ask some little black girl to dance of (much worse) some little black boy would ask some little white girl to dance.

That was over four decades ago.

But they didn’t go as far as an Arkansas school district did just this spring. They gave the award to those who earned it; within a couple of years, a black girl earned valedictorian (in fact, I think she may have been in my brother’s class):

A high school in Arkansas would not permit a black female student with the highest GPA in her high school to be valedictorian of her graduating class, and appointed a white student with a lower GPA to serve as the black student’s co-valedictorian.

Follow the link for details and citations.



Jack Paar:

Immigration is the sincerest form of flattery.


Life inside Republi-Bubble 0

Oberman interviews Markos. The first minute and a half are worthwhile. After that, it’s back to horse race coverage:


Capitalism in its rawest form is the terrible fear that somewhere someone is getting a dollar that a rich person might be sitting on.


Facebook Frolics 0

Something good:

Police believe they were able to prevent a southwestern Pennsylvania man’s suicide after the man’s friend in California alerted police about a distraught Facebook posting.


WWJD (Updated) (Updated Again) 0

At DelawareLiberal.

Addendum, Early That Evening:

Bob Cesca reports that the twit has deleted the tweet.

He can’t delete all the screenshots.


Atrios has the twit parade.


Doubling Down 0

It’s a way for losers to lose more while taking everyone else with them.


The Deficit Has Republican Roots 0

Bloomberg looks at the record:

Yet the speaker, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell all voted for major drivers of the nation’s debt during the past decade: Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts and Medicare prescription drug benefits. They also voted for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, that rescued financial institutions and the auto industry.

Like any con men, they are willing to say whatever they believe will help them pull of today’s con, regardless of what they said yesterday or will say tomorrow.


Out of the Closet 0

At Comically Vintage.


The Voter Fraud Fraud 0

This is short, and it is must-listen.

Via C&L, which has examples of voter disenfranchisement efforts in Wisconsin.


Positively Norquistrian 0

Norquistrian Logic
Click for a larger image

Via Some Guy with a Website.



Horace Greeley:

Apathy is a sort of living oblivion.


Drinking Liberally Wednesday in Virginia Beach 0

New location: We are trying to find a place with a good mix of menu, location, and layout.

Fun and fellowship for liberals. Join us.

When: Wednesday, July 27th, 6 p

Abbey Road Pub
203 22nd Street (Map)

More here.

Warning: Abbey Road Pub’s website rudely plays music without asking permission.


Driving while Brown . . . 0

. . . gets the death penalty.

From the write up about the video:

Medina died in CCA’s Stewart Detention Center in Georgia in 2009. Medina had been arrested a month earlier for not having a driver’s license. CCA whistleblower Brian Holcomb spoke with us exclusively to expose how the company repeatedly ignored Medina’s pleas for care of his heart ailment while he was imprisoned. Their negligence contributed to Medina’s death.


Cantor’s Cant 0

Andy Borowitz reports:

In what members of both parties are hailing as an important first step on the road to a deal on raising the debt ceiling, President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner today came to an agreement that Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) is a douche.

Details of the negotiations at the link.


Enough Is Enough 0

Get out of Afghanistan 2072

Via BartBlog.


Frank Talk 0

Via The Richmonder.


“Christian Jihad” (Updated) 0

The last time politics and religion were mixed, people were burned at the stake.

Frank Schaeffer. whose father was a founder of the “religions right,” points out that events such as the one in Norway have happened here, and that more can be expected.

He does not consider them to be “isolated incidents,” but, rather, events united by a the theme of a crusade:

The extreme language of Evangelical/”pro-life” rebellion has now been repackaged in the debt ceiling showdown. It is the language of religion pitted against facts.

And the anti-government charge is being led by people who are either true believers, thus unable to reason, or people catering to the true believers so that they can remain in the good books of the Tea Party, which is nothing more than the Evangelical far right repackaged and renamed.

Some people took the next step. The night of December 14, 2008, Bruce Turnidge was in handcuffs and sitting next to an FBI agent in Turnidge’s farmhouse in Oregon. He was ranting about the “need” for militias and cursing the election of an African American president. Hours earlier, his son, Joshua, had been arrested for allegedly causing a fatal bomb explosion.

There’s much more. Follow the link to read it.

We should be as concerned about homegrown fanatics, even the ones dressed fashionably in clothing we are used to, as we are about ones in exotic garb from far-away places with strange-sounding names.

Perhaps more concerned.

It is curious that those who purport loyalty to the Gospel of Love are so enamored of killing.

H/T Bill F. for the link at the top of the post.

Addendum, a Few Moments Later:

Via Contradict Me:

Notice how “organized terrorist attack” becomes “lone crazy individual” and “isolated incident” when perpetrator(s) are discovered to be white.


Facebook Frolics 0

The “Haters of Southampton High School.”


Carnival of Crazy 0

This Modern World
CLick through for the original image.

