Peace Love Endless War (Updated) 0
In the Guardian, Michael Shank considers the militarization of American foreign policy.
He sees three depressing and dangerous trends:
Second, we have blindly paid the incredible costs our wars have entailed, which a Brown University study released last month, estimates at $3.7tn for the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.
Third, it is now the norm for defence and development contractors to profit mightily off these wars. In war after US war, cases abound regarding fraud, corruption, kickback schemes and bribery, and, more generally . . . .
Read the whole thing.
C&L points out how war has become the overriding Republican priority, using this video clip as part of their evidence (follow the link for the full post).
One of the bozos in the clip has to gall to claim that President George the Worst “paid (in budgetary terms–ed.) for what he did.” And we wonder why Fox viewers are ill-informed:
This graphic is currently making the rounds. I’ve been wondering where to work it into a post. This seems like a good spot.

I still think one of the best and easiest things we could do to clarify discourse is to give the Department of Defense its original name back: Department of War.
Addendum, the Next Day:
Dick Destiny points out that Never having to declare victory has its perks.