August, 2011 archive
Make TWUUG Your LUG 0
Learn about the wonderful world of free and open source.
What: Monthly TWUUG Meeting.
Who: Everyone in TideWater/Hampton Roads with interest in any/all flavors of Unix/Linux. There are no dues or signup requirements. All are welcome.
Where: Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital in Norfolk Training Room. See directions below. (Wireless and wired internet connection available.)
When: 7:30 PM till whenever (usually 9:30ish) on Thursday, August 4.
Note: Meetings are normally on the first Thursday of each month.
Lake Taylor Hospital
1309 Kempsville Road
Norfolk, Va. 23502 (Map)
Pre-Meeting Dinner at 6:00 PM (separate checks)
Uno Chicago Grill
Virginia Beach Blvd. & Military Highway (Janaf Shopping Center). (Map)
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Polite in the park.
Do handguns belong in South Florida’s parks and recreation centers and city halls?
They do according to the Florida Legislature.
Under a new law that takes effect Oct. 1, all of the state’s cities and counties must repeal local rules limiting gun ownership.
Job security for Crockett and Tubbs.
Maintaining Perspective (Updated) 0
Jonathan Bernstein tries to step back and get some perspective on the debt ceiling debacle. It’s recommended reading. A nugget:
Voters put a lot of teabaggers in the House in the last election. As Helen Philpot observes (in another post that’s recommended reading),
Addendum, a Few Moments Later:
Also, the Booman:
President Obama is not the problem. Republican policies and tactics are the problem.
President Obama cannot fix the problem.
Only voters can.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Always be polite to your elders.
Police say 101-year-old Naomi Taggart was caught in the crossfire while two of her grandsons fought inside her East 20th Street home around midnight Sunday morning.
Police say the grandsons were arguing over money when they started shooting at each other.
Do Gun Nuts Need a 12-Step Program? 0
I couldn’t pass this up, even as I’m setting up locally to troubleshoot my theme:
A officer in Philadelphia had such a bad case of gunnuttery that he stole parts from the forensics unit. There appears to have been an attempt to cover it up, apparently out of deference to his parents, who worked for (or, in the case of his father, had retired from) the department, but it doesn’t appear to have been covered up at a departmental level.
This lust for guns seems to go far beyond sport or self-defense or a well-regulated militia into some realm of pathology.
There is nothing “well-regulated” about this:
When firearms examiners discovered that parts from an AR-15 and M2 carbine had been removed – and crudely replaced with parts from a semiautomatic weapon – many immediately suspected Magsam, the sources said.
The stolen parts were soon returned – and photographed by members of the FIU – and Magsam offered a tearful confession to Testa, the sources said.
Being in possession of stolen or unregistered automatic-weapon parts is a violation of the National Firearms Act, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.