Republican Family Values, the Gift that Keeps on Giving 0
At the Chicago Tribune, Rachel Marsden is troubled by the focus on the sex lives of the Republican presidential wannabes.
Much of what she says has merit; sexual propriety does not correlate with governmental competence. Here’s a snippet:
The American and world economies are circling the drain, and already some are suiting up to play “Indiana Jones on the Trail of the Family Jewels.” Before the expedition moves any further along — and you can be sure that it will — I’d like to provide some handy guidelines for political sex-life vetting.
She continues to offer some remarkably vapid guidelines for reporting on politicians’ sex lives.
They would, for example, forbid reporting on Dwight Eisenhower’s long-term relationship with Kay Summersby, while disqualifying serial philanderer John F. Kennedy from office.
She also ignores the “why” of the attention to the “family values” of Republican pols.
The Republican Party asked for it with their blowhard crusading hypocritical moralism.
Few things fill a foley-o of pages more than titanic hypocrisy taking a wide stance athwart the Appalachian Trail.