The Candidates Debate 0
Daniel Ruth of the St. Petersburg Times reports on his experiences observing the teabaggery at the recent CNN Republican candidates sideshow. A nugget:
But wait, it only gets more loopy.
At one point, former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman suggested Texas Gov. Rick Perry was flirting with treason simply because Perry believes trying to build a 1,200-mile fence along the border is a crazy idea. Now Perry may very well possess the intellectual firepower of a Lhasa apso, but opposing a border fence for pragmatic reasons hardly rises to the level of becoming the Lord Haw Haw of the Rio Grande.
Later in the spin room, even Huntsman’s spinners were flummoxed over the treason allegation. When the best explanation your surrogates can come up with is “Beats me,” it might suggest the campaign is getting close to toe-tag status.
“Loopy” would seem to be an understatement.