November, 2011 archive
Spill Here, Spill Now, Get Out of Jail Free Card Dept. 0
Good corporate citizens all.
BP, Transocean and cement contractor Halliburton filed motions late Monday in federal court in New Orleans seeking to keep certain government oil spill reports out of the civil case. BP also wants a judge to bar plaintiffs’ lawyers from using past criminal, civil and regulatory proceedings against the British firm in the civil case.
Drinking Liberally Norfolk Tomorrow (Address Corrected) 0
Drinking Liberally is a support group for liberals, where you can realize you are not alone.
We are still considering new venues.
When: 6 p., Wednesday, August 10.
The Public House
1112 Colley Avenue (map)
Details here.
Accidents of Birth 0
In the Guardian, George Monbiot considers how the rich conclude that wealth equals virtue:
Click to read the rest.
New Fight Song for Penn State (Updated) 0
Also under consideration for inclusion in the Catholic Missal.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette discusses the Old Boys Club:
Walter Cronkite, from the Quotemaster (subscribe here):
The profession of journalism ought to be about telling people what they need to know, not what they want to know.
Out of Bounds 4
I used to think that Joe Paterno was one of the few class acts left in big-time college sports.
The office pool has been replaced by a cesspool.
Via Atrios, who has a supplementary comment here.
On the No Account 0
The Nation:
The problem with accountability here is that the folks who crashed and burned the economy are, as my father would have said, fundamentally no account.
The only account they count is bank account.
Glitz on the Fritz 0
A friend of mine used to say, “The lowest possible level of technology that accomplishes the goal is the proper level of technology.”
Droning On 0
Offered without comment. Click to read the rest.
Premonitions of the Fall 0
I date the decline of American business to the time when products (and persons) stopped being “products” (and persons) and became “brands.”
Corporate Takeovers 0
And just how is this different from a “leveraged buyout” followed by laying off all the employees, selling the assets off, and running off with the money?
James Boswell, from the Quotemaster (subscribe here):
I hate mankind, for I think myself one of the best of them, and I know how bad I am.