From Pine View Farm

Everybody Must Get Fracked 0

Facing South reports on the frackers P. R. efforts. A nugget:

But just as opponents of fracking are making political gains, the gas industry is turning to harsh tactics for dealing with them — including the admitted use of counterinsurgency strategies and psychological operations borrowed from the U.S. military.

The disturbing revelations came during an oil industry conference held last month in Houston, in remarks recorded by attendee Sharon Wilson, director of the Oil and Gas Accountability Project at Earthworks.


During a session titled “Understanding How Unconventional Oil and Gas Operators Are Developing a Comprehensive Media Relations Strategy to Engage Stakeholders and Educate the Public,” Matt Carmichael, manager of external affairs for Texas-based Anadarko Petroleum, said:

    If you’re a P.R. representative in this industry in this room today, I recommend you do three things. … Download the U.S. Army/Marine Corps counterinsurgency manual. Because we are dealing with an insurgency. There’s a lot of good lessons in there, and coming from a military background I’ve found the insight in that extremely remarkable.

In other fracked up news,

The provision in a proposed Colorado rule for public disclosure of the ingredient of fracking fluids that allows oil and gas companies to unilaterally declare some chemicals “trade secrets” drew fire from the public at a hearing today.

“Disclosure isn’t for the industry, they know what they are using,” Gwen Lachelt, of Durango, told the Colorado Oil and Gas Commission. “Disclosure is for the public.”

What you don’t know can’t hurt them.


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