Back from the Shadows Again 0
Last night I tried installing a plugin that did not work and play well with others.
Attempts to undo the damage to my database were fruitless, so I have dropped back to the my last known-good backup.
I’ve lost a few days of drivel (I don’t kid myself that my daily ramblings are deathless).
When I feel like another visit to MySQL hell, I might try to restore them, but, for now, I’m going to go do a crossword puzzle.
Normal blogging will resume sometime or other.
I have nothing but compliments for the tech support rep at GoDaddy who assisted me. In addition to pointing me to the right process for restoring the database, he took extra time to look up the possible cause of the error that was keeping the site from working properly.
I just finished testing the corrupt database from last night. If it were any more messed up and useless, it could join a Republican primary.