From Pine View Farm

Little Ricky Icky Ravi 1

Hadley Freeman contrasts Little Ricky, President wannabe, and Dharun Ravi, dorm room spy, and wonders at the contrast:

Ravi will soon find out if he must leave America. Santorum et al, meanwhile, compete to run it.

Words fail me.


1 comment

  1. George

    March 21, 2012 at 3:55 pm

    The more Santorum is on the national stage the bigger the blasting of the GOP this year at the voting booth. I say more of America’s mullah saying whatever comes into his mostly empty head, the more the small crowd of extremists in the video cuts screams its approval, the more even half insane people recoil from the Republican party, the more even those who say they’re Republican but not like that get demoralized and plan on staying in this time.