From Pine View Farm

May, 2012 archive

The Fee Hand of the Market 0

The Invisible Hand

Click for a larger image.


Facebook Frolics 0

Suiting up:

Investors in Facebook’s IPO are not taking the stock’s drubbing lying down and have launched lawsuits against the social network, its underwriters and NASDAQ, while regulators probe the way the debut was handled.


The Entitlement Society 0

Where, if you are entitled, you wear teflon.

Otherwise, otherwise.


The Cycle 0

He's black because that's how he was born.  He's suspicious because he's black.  He's pursued because he's suspicious.  He's defensive because he's pursued.  He's shot because he is defensive.  He's dead because he's black.

Via Contradict Me.


Droning On, Skynet Dept. 0

You, too, can be droned.



Bram Fischer:

The glaring injustice (of apratheid) is there for all who are not blinded by prejudice to see.


Break Time 0

Off to drink liberally.


A Picture Is Worth 0

Pie Chart, all blue:  Things that start with "I'm not racist but."  Key:  blue=racist comments

Via BartCop.


Wasp (Updated) 0

I think this is some kind of potter’s wasp. It was about half an inch long. It certainly was not a yellow jacket, with which I am far more familiar than I would like to be, or a hornet, ditto, or a mud dauber, which is relatively harmless but which I don’t see much in these parts.

Wasp on portulaca blossom

Addendum, 2012-09-25:

I did a podcast about my process for editing pictures for posting here, using this picture as the example; the podcast went up today.

I received a nice email from an HPR listener in Scotland–HPR has a long reach–suggesting that this is likely a hover fly. Here’s a bit from his email:

Hoverflies ( are smaller, more
delicate and are from the order Diptera
( like many common flies. They have
only one pair of wings and their heads seem to be mainly composed of two
eyes which sort of point forward. That’s why I think it’s a hoverfly,
from the head shape.

I am no etymologist and I suspect that he is correct.

And I thank him. Making mistakes is how I learn.


“Book ’em, Jamie-O” 0

Wall Street banker interrupts talk against regulations to bet on the ponies

Via Bob Cesca’s Awesome Blog.


What’s in a Name? 0

As Chauncey Devega demonstrates, a lot:

The story is the thing. As an experiment in perception and framing, I have removed any overt signals to either the race of Trayvon Martin or George Zimmerman. Moreover, I have renamed Trayvon Martin “Dale Hill.” To my eyes and ears this is a very “white” name. I thought about playing around with the genders of Martin and Zimmeran–but parsimony and efficiency ruled out such a counter-factual.

Follow the link for the demonstation. It’s worth your while.


Truth in Advertising 0

The Commander proposes warning labels for Fox News.


Mittonomics: Not a Distraction 0

Instead, a destruction.

Excerpt: “When you are president, you job is not to maximize profits.”


Facebook Frolics 4

Steven Johnson of Temple University thinks the end is nearing faster than you think:

Can you remember the last time you fired up a Netscape browser, visited a GeoCities website, or invited a friend to join AOL Instant Messenger? I’m convinced that Facebook is as doomed to fail as those ventures.

Follow the link for his reasons.



James Beard, from the Quotemaster (subscribe here):

The only thing that will make a souffle fall is if it knows you’re afraid of it.


Seen on the Street 0

Geese with goslings


Just to give a perspective, it’s about 15 inches from front to back of shell. Note the back of the shell where a bit is broken off.



Sic Simper Tyrannosaurs 0

Virginia Legislator's second-guessing Lady Liberty on the state seal.


Twits on Twitter 0

Twits unaware that the internet is a public place.

Via Balloon Juice.


Drinking Liberally Virginia Beach Tomorrow 0

Fun and fellowship for liberals. Join us.

When: Tuesday, May 22nd, 5:30 p.

Where New Location:
Yard House Virginia Beach
4549 Commerce Street (Map)

More here.


The Lesson the NeoCons Should Draw from the Great and Glorious Patriotic War for a Lie in Iraq, but Will Not 0

War is not a board game.
