May, 2012 archive
The Cycle 0
Via Contradict Me.
Break Time 0
Off to drink liberally.
A Picture Is Worth 0
Via BartCop.
Wasp (Updated) 0
I think this is some kind of potter’s wasp. It was about half an inch long. It certainly was not a yellow jacket, with which I am far more familiar than I would like to be, or a hornet, ditto, or a mud dauber, which is relatively harmless but which I don’t see much in these parts.
Addendum, 2012-09-25:
I did a podcast about my process for editing pictures for posting here, using this picture as the example; the podcast went up today.
I received a nice email from an HPR listener in Scotland–HPR has a long reach–suggesting that this is likely a hover fly. Here’s a bit from his email:
Hoverflies ( are smaller, more
delicate and are from the order Diptera
( like many common flies. They have
only one pair of wings and their heads seem to be mainly composed of two
eyes which sort of point forward. That’s why I think it’s a hoverfly,
from the head shape.
I am no etymologist and I suspect that he is correct.
And I thank him. Making mistakes is how I learn.
What’s in a Name? 0
As Chauncey Devega demonstrates, a lot:
Follow the link for the demonstation. It’s worth your while.
Truth in Advertising 0
The Commander proposes warning labels for Fox News.
Facebook Frolics 4
Steven Johnson of Temple University thinks the end is nearing faster than you think:
Follow the link for his reasons.
James Beard, from the Quotemaster (subscribe here):
The only thing that will make a souffle fall is if it knows you’re afraid of it.
Drinking Liberally Virginia Beach Tomorrow 0
Fun and fellowship for liberals. Join us.
When: Tuesday, May 22nd, 5:30 p.
Where New Location:
Yard House Virginia Beach
4549 Commerce Street (Map)
More here.